I had grown up in a humanist atmosphere, and war to me was never ...

I had grown up in a humanist atmosphere, and war to me was never anything but horror, mutilation and senseless destruction, and I knew that many great and wise people felt the same way about it.

I'm a humanist and an optimist.

I am Left Wing. I am a Humanist.

I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist.

Power is the flower of organization.

I am not a feminist, I am a humanist.

Confucius was a humanist and an agnostic.

I am a humanist. I am for nice, easy balance.

I remain a humanist. We are a very curious race.

I'm not an active feminist: I'm an active humanist.

I'm a humanist; I'd rather kill a man than a snake.

I'm a humanist. I'm neither one side nor the other.

Intellect, without heart, is infinitely cruel. . . .

I consider myself a political revolutionary humanist.

I am a humanist not a feminist. There's a big difference.

I don't consider myself as a feminist but more a humanist.

The term that best describes me now is 'secular humanist.'

The present age has seen a great slump in humanist values.

As a citizen, hopefully I'm humanist. As an artist, I'm free.

Ramadan is, in its essence, a month of humanist spirituality.

Intelligence, guided by kindness, is the highest wisdom. . . .

No, not a feminist. I'm a humanist. I'm neither one side nor the other.

I'm an atheist and a humanist, so I have no desire to evangelize anyone.

The true humanist maintains a just balance between sympathy and selection.

What we need to do is to humanize the scientist and simonize the humanist.

It is unfair to label me anti-Islam. I am an atheist and a secular humanist.

I would define myself as a Marxian, and that means of course also as a humanist.

Anything that brings people to see Shakespeare is fine by me. He's the great humanist.

I'm very much a humanist. I'm very much pro-choice. I'm very much politically correct.

As a Humanist, I love science. I hate superstition, which could never have given us A-bombs.

To be a 'believer' does not make you superior to others; but to be a 'humanist' does make it so!

Yet humanitarianism is not a purely Christian movement any more than it is a purely humanist one.

We have to replace beauty, which is a cultural concept, with goodness, which is a humanist concept.

I think I'm more of an absurdist than a satirist. I think I'm more of a - humanist? I hate to say it!

He was a humanist then, he's a humanist now, and to my mind John Carlos is an authentic American hero.

Change comes from power, and power comes from organization. In order to act, people must get together.

Education no longer has a humanist end or any value in itself; it has only one goal, to create technicians.

I always thought that "humanist" was a good word long before I understood that anyone thought it was a bad word.

The gospel shows a God far more holy than the legalist can bear, yet far more merciful than a humanist can conceive

Maybe I just look at things as a humanist: I like looking at people in a realistic way more than looking at them in a positive way.

I consider myself a humanist. Even if I do very dark worlds, I try to make those characters real humans as opposed to just cartoons.

At one point, 'feminist' became a pejorative term. How did that happen? If you're a feminist, you're basically saying you're a humanist.

Bertrand Russell started off as a mathematician and then degenerated into a philosopher and finally into a humanist; he went downhill rapidly!

Atheism comes into rather a bad press and I suppose I'd rather describe myself as a humanist... I don't believe in God. I don't believe there is a God.

Wonder Woman is most definitely a feminist, or a humanist, in no uncertain terms. Her prime goal in life is to teach peaceful coexistence and equality.

Democracy is the only system capable of reflecting the humanist premise of equilibrium or balance. The key to its secret is the involvement of the citizen.

I'm actually a humanist, believe it or not, and I believe even when people are corrupted, even when they've gone to the dark side, they are still human beings.

I find humanism to be the most rational and positive philosophy for life. And it's not a new thing at all - the history of humanist thought is deep and inspiring.

If you're living with a scientist, you see the world differently than you do with a humanist. It's in some ways very subtle, the differences in perceiving reality.

However, we all share the firm belief in the triumph of humanist and progressive values that mankind has achieved during its long history of struggle and creativeness.

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