Immigration enthusiasts are so hysterical.

I think Ellen DeGeneres is just hysterical.

My heart was a hysterical unreliable organ.

Relieve stress through hysterical screaming.

I love Sian Brooke so much; she's hysterical.

A hysterical human? Who hadn't seen that before?

It was as hysterical as a woman having a hot flash.

Erinn Hayes is hysterical in person, and I love that.

Chris Rock is a good friend of mine, and he is hysterical.

Talk therapy turns hysterical misery to mundane unhappiness.

Hysterical in The Mask; funny yet moving in The Truman Show.

Hysterical? Neuractic? I am all that ain't more than juggernaut!

It's only people who are hysterical who can play hysterical parts.

Dick Clark and I had such a hysterical relationship with each other.

I just lost my best friend, I have been crying hysterical for a full day.

I turn into a crying, hysterical maniac when I see a spider. It's pathetic.

I really wanted to be on Six Feet Under as a corpse. That would be hysterical.

I think I'm hysterical. I watch myself on tape and just roar - isn't that weird?

When a woman is anything but pleasant, she is labeled as whiny, hysterical, etc.

The degree of notoriety I have is fine and easy. There's nothing hysterical about it.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.

I would say I live half in New York and half in Claridge's. How decadent! How hysterical!

When I get a new script my mom will read them and just be aghast. I think it's hysterical.

I never thought of myself as a singer, like ever, ever, ever. It's hysterical that I sing.

Your date appears to be hysterical," Rene told me. "You think I should slap some man into him?

Everyone in a position of authority is hysterical, and everyone else is pretending to be asleep.

Anyways, trying to express yourself to the press is often like arguing with a hysterical person.

I became hysterical and frightened and begged for sedation. And that was just the first prenatal visit.

You can so easily be dismissed as a thug or hysterical if you're a woman if you don't keep your rage in check.

Reduced to a miserable mass level, the level of a Hitler, German Romanticism broke out into hysterical barbarism.

It's hysterical how kids have their own personalities, even at like 3 or 4. And, it's funny what they tend to like.

Idleness begets ennui, ennui the hypochondriac, and that a diseased body. No laborious person was ever yet hysterical.

'Red Dawn' was very resonant with a lot of people - they love that movie. I always thought it was a little hysterical.

I would head to the countryside for peace and silence. That would be the best way, away from panicked, hysterical people.

If you tell Congress everything about the world situation, they get hysterical. If you tell them nothing, they go fishing.

I'm a great audience myself. I tried to keep in the background while others were on, but sometimes I'd just get hysterical.

If he didn't get out of here - right now - Harrier was either going to break into hysterical laughter or strangle somebody.

I recognize a lot of the things I'm going through. Like, I lose my temper a lot and I become unhinged and kind of hysterical.

My celeb crush is Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She's hysterical, she's beautiful, and she seems like a normal person. I'm in love with her.

You should look up some of the reviews. The New York Times review is so over-the-top funny. It's hysterical. You should dig it out.

People are hysterical about the death of newspapers, and I would say, 'They're not dying; they're just kind of reinventing themselves.'

Real leadership is calm. Real leadership is steady in moments of crisis. It is not hysterical. It is not exploitive. It is not dishonest.

Everything is ironic to me. There are moments I find hysterical, but I'm probably the only one who would find that, except for a few people.

An anguish of longing would boil up inside me; a hysterical thirst for contradictions and contrasts would appear, and I would embark on dissipations.

When I heard Donald Trump make that sweeping hysterical statement that all Muslims have to be banned because they are terrorists, I was chilled by that.

I think there is no reason for us to bring to Islamism or political Islam the fear and ignorance of Western commentators and their hysterical vocabulary.

I had to learn to jog because I run like a fish. All my friends found the thought of me running on screen hysterical because I do absolutely no exercise.

Sometimes people damage paintings or sculpture because they love it. They throw their arms around a statue in a fit of hysterical passion and it falls over.

I think that 'Family Guy' is hysterical. It's edgy and hip - and they can do whatever they want to do because it's animated and they're not limited by budget.

It was hysterical going to work. I would just walk in and think, 'What in hell? Am I here? What's going on? I'm going to wake up in a minute. I'm in a dream.'

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