Mary Decker's my idol.

Martha Stewart's my idol.

My idol was Jennifer Lopez.

I never really had an idol.

I don't have an idol per se.

Everybody is a teenage idol.

Fred Astaire is my real idol.

I think Steve Jobs is my idol.

You cannot make a teenage idol.

I'm an idol of cinema? Oh, wow.

He's my idol. Putin is a beauty.

Barack Obama is my American Idol.

Serena Williams is my sports idol.

I only have one idol: John Lennon.

It's hard to feel like a teen idol.

I was a teen idol in Latin America.

I grew up watching 'American Idol.'

Winning 'American Idol' is awesome.

My idol has always been Thierry Henry.

I'm not afraid of you, 'American Idol.'

Britney Spears is one of my first idol.

I'm a fighter like Ibrahimovic, my idol.

'American Idol' has taken over my whole life.

My idol when I was a kid was Elizabeth Taylor.

My role model, my idol, was Francois Truffaut.

All that stuff - 'teen idol' - that wasn't me.

Patrick Roy was my idol when I was growing up.

I'm 4 ft. 2 in. and not exactly a matinee idol.

'American Idol' was an extremely expensive show.

Dostoevsky was my literary idol for a long time.

I was a teen idol and that has a short shelf life.

American Idol allowed us to find Carrie Underwood.

My first idol was a Swedish goalie, Peter Lindmark.

My athlete idol is Usain Bolt. He's inhumanly fast!

It's always good to get compliments from your idol.

'American Idol' has changed the face of television.

Franz Klammer was my great idol in my younger years.

Someone like Billie Jean King is completely my idol.

I am classified as an idol in Hong Kong and in Asia.

I think 'American Idol' has prepared me for anything.

I became a teen idol. At the time, it embarrassed me.

What I love about 'American Idol' is that it's broad.

I would say that Lucy, 'I Love Lucy,' she was my idol.

Tom Brady is a big inspiration and a big idol of mine.

A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol.

Being a teen idol is what I've waited for my whole life.

I was very honored to get to be part of 'American Idol.'

I would lose straight away if I went on 'American Idol.'

'Hum-Tum' is my tribute to Kishor Kumar as he is my idol.

I don't really care that much about being a matinee idol.

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