I hope I dance with more life than a cleaning implement.

I try to implement my own ways of making teams successful.

The logical thing is to implement the Arab Defense Agreement.

It is not the intelligence community's place to set and implement policy.

It's not necessarily size that matters, it's how fast you move that implement.

Mr Conte is important as a coach that is able to really implement a game plan.

I enjoy reading tips about how to be more organized, and I rarely implement them.

It's the coach's job to pick the system, we just try and implement it as best as we can.

My job is to take the law as it's given to me and enforce it and implement it faithfully.

Twenty-eight days is what is takes to break a habit and to implement a new set of habits.

I believe that politicians should implement the promises that they've given in manifestos.

It takes one brave woman to implement change and for other women to be able to follow that.

If you're going to implement video, do it as well as YouTube does it or don't do it at all.

By ratifying the Convention, governments become legally bound to implement the rights therein.

I have specific plans. I have a lot of ideas, desi ideas, which I want to implement in coaching.

I absolutely value autonomy. I value freedom and having the ability to implement change right away.

Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one. Don't implement promises, but keep them.

Once the product's task is known, design the interface first; then implement to the interface design.

In information technology, money is not the issue. Willingness to implement and execute is the issue.

Most urgent is the good First Job Program, that Lula plans to implement, which hasn't got off the ground.

'Girls' was my first audition. I'd just taken an audition class, and I was excited to implement those tools.

The Paris Agreement underlines the urgency to implement climate action in support of sustainable development.

I think we're taking a snapshot view of climate change and trying to implement policy based on that snapshot.

No one is suggesting societies the world over should implement an expensive basic income system in one stroke.

Crackdowns on Internet content make clear the need for an anonymized Web. Now, someone just needs to implement it.

I don't shy away from things that may be a little different, but own them and implement them in the coverage that I do.

My role was to bring about fairness in the workplace. All I did was implement the laws that were currently on the books.

As head of the Karnataka government, it's my responsibility to implement the judgements and directions of the High Court.

If the leadership can't win a debate, then we should show true leadership and implement the democratic will of our party.

The U.S. cannot implement a cogent strategy on the world stage if no one is sure whether to take the President seriously.

Chinese entrepreneurs have to implement their work under the leadership of the Party and the government - it is very clear.

Cleanliness is a good thing, which the society should embrace. But it has nothing to do with Modi, nor can he implement it.

The Palestinians will never, never implement their commitment to dismantle their infrastructure of terrorist organizations.

I do stand in opposition to those who want to implement Sharia and essentially attack the Constitution of the United States.

Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.

Coach K tried to implement a style where we passing, moving the ball, the open guy gets the open shot, running in transition.

Florida is not going to implement Obamacare. We are not going to expand Medicaid, and we're not going to implement exchanges.

The more knowledge you've got, the more understanding you have, the better you are able to implement and pass it on to others.

I work a little bit of slower, methodical pace. I'm able to implement certain different styles depending on who my opponent is.

I served as a Russian policy officer in the U.S. Navy and worked to implement our nuclear agreements with the Russian Federation.

Europe needs us just as much as we need Europe and it's time to stop fiddling for a solution, it's time to implement the solution.

A Conservative government under Andrew Scheer would implement a coherent China strategy, taking a harder line on China's missteps.

All I do all day is think of ideas and implement them. That's an industry, you know. I'm trying to make art on a commercial scale.

Sometimes when something doesn't go the way it should go, everyone blames the concept. Sometimes we screw up the way we implement it.

I am quick to adopt new ideas. If there is something good, I will follow it and implement it. I adopted information technology in 1985.

In general, I think, U.S. policies remain constant, going back to the Second World War. But the capacity to implement them is declining.

I have been working hard trying to implement Dodd-Frank reforms. We went through a terrible crisis in 2008. Many people lost their homes.

If you're going to self - publish, you need to know why you're doing it, what you want to accomplish, and how you plan to implement that.

When the president and the prime minister decide to implement reforms, they have all the measures they need to pass them and enforce them.

When I moved from consumer banking to international banking, I thought I brought a lot of insights from India we could implement globally.

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