I've always been indie.

Indie film isn't dead, it just grew up.

I listen to a lot of indie or rock music.

I've always wanted to get into indie film.

I play a lot of games. I love indie games.

I'm always into rock n' roll and indie rock.

It's not like I set out to be 'the indie guy.'

When I was doing indie films, it wasn't cool and hip.

My job is to act, whether in indie or mainstream films.

I never identified with 'indie,' I don't like that word.

I don't understand indie films. So, I won't do such films.

I wear glasses and suits, so I guess I am an indie artist.

That's my advice for indie filmmakers: Marry a supermodel.

It's a lot of work being an indie artist, but it's worth it.

I think all indie filmmakers should just give up on distribution.

I knew that I tend to always gravitate to the indie side of things.

A lot of the music I listen to is indie rock. It's not on the radio.

You wouldn't expect a Christian character to be an Indie rocker guy.

I'm used to doing U.K. indie films, like, six weeks of filming, tops.

Being an indie artist, you have to fight for position against a major.

I'm not so interested in being indie just for the sake of being indie.

I think in the world of indie music there's this sort of false modesty.

I'm indie through and through. I've always gone out with boys in bands.

Don't expect me to be some indie schmindie embarrassed about my success.

You are at the mercies of the dailies. With an indie you don't have that.

I had an indie pop phase, I had just about every phase you could think of.

Just because I run an indie label doesn't mean I don't think Jay-Z is nice.

My indie work is mostly reality-based, focused on real life and characters.

I would love to do an indie film, as I've grown to have a more serious side.

You want every film that you make to do well, not just indie films in general.

I love indie movies - I feel they can really allow you to develop a character.

NME is normally associated with indie rock. It ain't something I read as a kid.

We all like indie directors - heck, I even married one... but we're divorced now.

I've always loved pop music. I've always loved indie, even electronic, even trap.

I do indie films for the sense of fulfillment and to achieve my goals as an artist.

After I do a big movie I get offered big movies. But I always do the weirdest indie.

The gritty indie films are a lot rarer than the films that aspire to fill multiplexes.

The trouble with indie music in India is it continues to be overshadowed by Bollywood.

I guess in Australia every film is sort of an indie film because there are no studios.

I don't want to be 'box-office girl,' but I don't want to be 'that indie girl' either.

As a successful artist it is my job to give the indie scene as much of a push as I can.

I guess my music taste is pretty predictable: I like new indie rock stuff, older stuff.

The indie movie world is like a bad Tinder date, and there are always strings attached.

In case you don't know this, we're not in the '90s anymore. Indie cinema does not reign.

To go indie is a thing. But to put an album in the stores, you need a distribution label.

We don't want it to be obscure music. We're not trying to be indie. We want to be popular.

I think there was a real lane built for indie bands during the time when Chairlift came up.

You don't want to end up being an indie wrestler who wants to be the big fish in a small pond.

Whether I'm on a major or an indie, I don't think this is important, but at the same time I do.

All you needed was a couple of instruments and a few chords and you could be on an indie label.

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