To jump from the indie ranks to play with the big dogs, there's a gate you have to pass through.

To me, being a classical snob in the highest possible way and being an indie snob is just as bad!

I kind of grew up in the indie world, and now that sort of writing and material is on television.

It's always been my dream to just continually do really cool indie movies - character-driven stuff.

The word 'indie' is meaningless now. It's so over-used that people think it simply means green hair.

I was first an indie actor, so I also want that more opportunities be given to people in the indies.

I was in the top 1 percent of football players. Indie guys are in the bottom 95 percent of wrestlers.

So many of the indie movies that get made are not about topics that touch millions and millions of people.

I used to be a part-time enthusiast press games writer when I was starting to get into making indie games.

The Weeknd's 'Can't Feel My Face' is very experimental. It's pop meets urban meets indie meets alternative.

The most interesting indie titles always tend to come out of nowhere for me. That's part of the fun for me.

I want my music to be really big. I have no interest in DIY Brooklyn; I don't want to be a small indie band.

Ah, reality TV: where opportunists delight in exposing opportunism! It's kind of like the indie music scene.

I know I'm not the 'Indie It Girl' and I'll never have a big breakout, big runaway success. And that's okay.

They love putting me in the 'indie queen' box. I had some high standards in my 20s that I don't have anymore.

In British music, you have indie, rock... Grime is now one of those pillars. It's a foundation of British music.

I guess you can look at Fleetwood Mac as the 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' movies and my solo career as indie films.

I would love to do anything from a really gritty, interesting, indie type film, to that commercial, bigger stuff.

Indie music is picking up and artistes are more confident about putting out music with no big name attached to it.

Indie movies got co-opted by the studio system. The studios insisted that only stars could make movies successful.

I always feel I could be like Toni Collette, going between big studio things and indie films. That would be feasible.

I'd actually love to do more comedy, but what I really wanna do is an indie drama - an intense indie road-trip movie.

Television in the last few years has been where all the great writers are going. TV now is what indie film used to be.

I've always been in this weird indie world, and for a long time, I felt that it was not okay to be girly in that world.

Sometimes I wish I was just a girl in an indie band. I could dance around on stage and it wouldn't be so much about me.

Manoj Muntashir is a fantastic lyricist of this generation and he has penned my indie number 'Ae Mere Dil' very nicely.

Studio films are driven by marketing. The currency is literally money. But in the indie world, the currency is passion.

Actually, the most entitled people I've met are indie rockers and indie actors, because they really believe their press.

I feel like in pop music and even indie music, there's this weird thing where women have been pitted against each other.

I really just wanted to work on adventure games, so Pinkerton Road is our own little indie studio that's focused on that.

I go back and forth between indie and studio because I feel like it, not because I feel obligated to do one or the other.

On a big film, there's almost no way you can meet everyone. On an indie, there are 30 people and no trailers to duck into.

If you're on an indie label, you're not getting enough money. And if you're on a major, you're not getting enough support.

I worked with an indie filmmaker called Mark Williams, a lawyer who was making a zero-budget family drama called 'Move Me.'

Alden Ehrenreich is a drama nerd, and Alice Englert is indie girl. They're so cool in the way that our characters are cool.

Originally, 'The Monster' started out as this indie, Florence And The Machine, tribal-y, almost Spanish-esque dance record.

I was never really a child actor. I was working sporadically in indie films in Pennsylvania, but I was still living at home.

Equal Vision seems to be doing really well. A lot of these major labels are just imploding and becoming indie labels, anyway.

Indie world won't have me, and mainstream world treats me like an alien, but here I am still floating between these two worlds.

There's something very cool about that indie spirit that I try to hang on to even now with the bigger films that I'm working on.

Ultimately, if you act in mainstream movies, more people will come and watch your indie movies. That's how you reach the audience.

I'd only do a deal with a label if it allowed me to still be indie and have that indie mentality. I have to have creative control.

Like all artists, I'm a complete cinephile; I see everything. I see past movies, present movies, indie movies, experimental movies.

I actually think that Republican administrations are better for music. The Reagan era was such a great era for punk and indie rock.

When I was still doing indie, it was just purely art. I don't think about how much I will get paid or how much the movie will earn.

I love PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, Pixies, Portishead, and Massive Attack: a lot of what I would describe as alternative and indie music.

I hope people describe my music as lyrically driven, cross genre. Kind of alternative, kind of indie, kind of rap, kind of everything.

Maybe it's the way that I do music, but I was never in a cool indie band or hung out with all the cool arty kids when I came to London.

Major labels don't want to take chances on cooler, indie kind of things. People only know, unfortunately, what they're being spoon-fed.

You know, the people who do indie film and decide who gets those little budgets? They're mean, man. They're cold and very cool-oriented.

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