Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team ...

Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

In the great mass of our people there are plenty individuals of ...

In the great mass of our people there are plenty individuals of intelligence from among whom leadership can be recruited.

All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity ...

All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.

London style is individual.

I'm a very coordinated individual.

I see bodies as individual things.

No one individual can tell the truth.

Freedom comes in individual packages.

I'm a staunch anti-Castro individual.

Happiness is not an individual matter.

Pioneering is the work of individuals.

I'm an individual, and I have opinions.

I'm a reasonably articulate individual.

Truth does not belong to an individual.

Families, like individuals, are unique.

Gay individuals should be able to adopt.

God leads every soul by a separate path.

It is hard to be an individual in Japan.

Fashion is general. Style is individual.

Individual honors come with team success.

I'm definitely not a fearless individual.

Collective will supplants individual whim

nonviolence first changes the individual.

I judge each person on individual merits.

We're all separate and individual people.

Individual consciousness is just sickness.

I don't blame individuals, I blame myself.

Genius is individual, scenius is communal.

The unspeakable visions of the individual.

I've got a soft spot for true individuals.

My stepfather was a very nasty individual.

Desire is individual. Happiness is common.

Every individual has a unique contribution.

War with vices, but peace with individuals.

No society can ever be so large as one man.

Circumstances beyond my individual control.

The day of individual happiness has passed.

F1 is a team sport, not an individual sport.

Individual peace is the unit of world peace.

He (God) doesn't need me, but He desires me.

All I'm for is the liberty of the individual.

Politicians don't like empowered individuals.

Any individual is greater than the Milky Way.

Each individual is a species unto him/herself.

Base souls have no faith in great individuals.

Nations have their ego, just like individuals.

When the individual feels, the community reels.

Small aids to individuals, large aid to masses.

I love to be individual, to step beyond gender.

I don't give much thought to individual awards.

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