The infant is ten and he stays.

I wish I'd been a mixed infant.

I got possessed by music as an infant.

I can sleep anywhere. I'm like an infant.

The abandoned infant's cry is rage, not fear.

Infants are interesting only to their parents.

Giving birth to a baby does not make you an infant.

I think I was an infant when I was on 'Gilmore Girls.'

You abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone.

I'm sorry, but were you dropped on your head as an infant?

I recovered my infant Judaism, but in a reformist version.

Birth is a shipwreck, the mewling infant shored on unknown land.

Ladies: You have to support an infant with a hand under its head.

Those who have lost an infant are never, in a way, without an infant.

I must oppose the use of federal funds for a policy of killing infants.

The wailing of the newborn infant is mingled with the dirge for the dead.

Those who 'cursed the day they were born' must have been infant prodigies.

The level of communication you can achieve with an infant is really profound.

We all have an infant inside of us, but the infant doesn't have to run the show.

Lord knows what incommunicable small terrors infants go through, unknown to all.

When you've seen a nude infant doing a backward somersault you know why clothing exists.

The U.S. routinely ranks lower than other countries in health outcomes such as infant mortality.

Infant mortality and life expectancy are reasonable indicators of general well-being in a society.

The infant mortality rates are insanely high. The obesity epidemic is on the rise. It is all related.

One of the most important things to remember about infant care is: don't change diapers in midstream.

Having an infant is stressful, and I know I won't get a lot of sleep initially, but it will be worth it.

If infants are ready to do something, they will do it. In fact, when they are ready, they have to do it.

Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all.

It is as natural to die as to be born; and to a little infant, perhaps, the one is as painful as the other.

In primary schools, I set two main objectives - to cut infant class sizes and improve literacy and numeracy.

Hitler admired Stalin, quite properly seeing himself as a mere infant in crime compared to his great exemplar.

Despotism is the only form of government which may with safety to itself, neglect the education of its infant poor.

I bought tiny infant onesies while still in college and compiled a killer toy collection throughout my 20s and 30s.

Having an infant is difficult. It's a lot of work, and I didn't hire any help because I overestimated my own abilities.

The infant runs toward it with its eyes closed, the adult is stationary, the old man approaches it with his back turned.

When you're pregnant or living with an infant, there's a kind of sacredness around your body that affects everything you do.

Embrace's infant warmers are a novel solution. The product has been designed specifically for resource-constrained settings.

Music is so much a part of me: my parents told me that when I was an infant, I wouldn't eat unless the radio was playing music.

If I'm not working on music, I'm probably torturing my infant daughter, Ingrid, with kisses or running or playing soccer in the park.

I base everything on my instinctual approach. There's something very satisfying in that creativity, and it's a bit like an infant drawing.

It is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three-year-old child dies, and worse still when an adolescent does.

If anything, all homes should have piped water supply and sanitation, which could improve public-health indicators and reduce infant mortality.

An infant always learns. The less we interfere with the natural process of learning, the more we can observe how much infants learn all the time.

When a baby is in the room with two women, and one is considered more beautiful than the other, the infant's eyes will go to the more beautiful one.

We may rest assured that God would never have suffered any infants to be slain except those who were already damned and predestined for eternal death.

To accustom the infant to get out of its own difficulties or to calm it by rocking it may be to lay the foundations of a good or of a bad disposition.

Since I was, like, an infant... I remember being in love with television. I loved listening to music. I wanted to be on records, and I wanted to be on TV.

No one would look at an infant baby asleep, and say 'What a lazy baby!' We know sleeping is non-negotiable for a baby. But that notion is quickly abandoned.

The first musical sound I ever heard was from a banjo. My father played, and I was an infant in a crib, and something just stayed with me from those early days.

The absolute dependence of a newborn infant inspired many things in me, but it did not activate any magical knowledge about what to do for the next twenty years.

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