Audrey Hepburn has influenced me.

Kids get influenced by other kids.

I influenced the NBA a little bit.

I was not influenced by any artists.

I was always influenced by language.

I was highly influenced by violence.

I'm influenced by all types of music.

My grandmother influenced me so deeply.

My music is influenced by L.A. culture.

I'm a writer who likes to be influenced.

Gozu' was influenced by American cinema.

I was much influenced by Jean-Paul Sartre.

I enjoy being influenced by other writers.

Horns always influenced me more than voices.

I'm not easily influenced by a lot of people.

Fashion has always been influenced by hip-hop.

Most writers have been influenced by Faulkner.

I was very influenced by the films of the '70s.

Anybody is influenced by where and how he lives.

I was kind of influenced by the hip-hop culture.

I don't want to be influenced by outside opinion.

I think pop culture has always influenced society.

It's no secret that I've been influenced by Chyna.

I'm really influenced by so many different things.

I think Aaliyah has influenced artists like a Ciara.

I try not to be influenced by success or popularity.

I want to be influenced by the world not TV or film.

We were very influenced by The Beatles, no question.

I'm really influenced by Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

My father has never influenced the strategy anywhere.

I love movies. Movies have influenced me as a writer.

I actually have been really influenced by dance music.

Zuck is unemotional. He doesn't get influenced by ego.

I'm influenced a lot by my family. I have a big family.

That movie - 'Airplane!' - it influenced so many of us.

Everything I do references something that influenced me.

I can't say I feel influenced by today's guitar players.

As a child, you are influenced by your parents' actions.

'Jim Thorpe - All American' influenced me as a young kid.

I have been as influenced by music and films as by books.

I am greatly influenced by my father who was a journalist.

Elvis was a giant and influenced everyone in the business.

I think my parents undoubtedly influenced me on some level.

I was heavily influenced by Andy Kaufman and Steven Wright.

Shout-out to my dad - he influenced my style when I was 17.

Yeah, moving to Los Angeles definitely influenced my sound.

I'll be the first to admit when I'm influenced by something.

I have been influenced in my thinking by both west and east.

We're kind of influenced by all the different people we meet.

Obviously, all of us have been influenced by those around us.

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