The climate informs the character.

Motherhood informs my work 100 per cent.

Everybody's past and history informs them.

History informs where we are and how we got here.

I shop at the market, and that informs what I make.

I watch the news. It fuels my rage; it informs my work.

I always feel like the past informs my present musically.

I think '80s pop music subconsciously informs what I'm doing.

The time I spend with my kids informs every fiber of who I am.

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

I've lived my entire life in New York, and it informs everything.

What happens off-screen definitely informs your performance on screen.

My faith informs everything I think and do. It's part of my value system.

You cannot disconnect the form from the material - the material informs the form.

Anybody who informs on other people is doing something disturbing and even disgusting.

My parents being from Nigeria deeply informs all my social justice and human rights work.

I think the best comedy enlightens, informs, and changes the way people look at the world.

I think that our view of love and family informs our work, the way we empathize with people.

I don't mind wearing a corset, it informs your posture, changes the way you move, you can't slouch.

Hearing, which, by the motion of the air, informs us of the motion of sounding or vibrating bodies.

Our understanding of how DNA informs our health and development is advancing at an incredible pace.

I would wish eventually to be able to make television that informs and educates as well as entertains.

'Aurat' is an iconic poem which is relevant 70 years later and informs me in the work I do with women.

Family is this very deep, complex thing that for most people becomes everything. It informs your entire life.

There are reasons to go on living despite what horrors may come in your life. And love informs those reasons.

Faith properly informs the religious lawyer or judge, and morality is not in tension with fidelity to the law.

Being, in the testimony it gives of itself, informs us not only about what it is but also about what we owe it.

I'm lucky because the strongest emotion I have ever felt is being in love, and that definitely informs my writing.

Having a family is a compromise on some level, but it's so incredibly worth it. It actually informs the work that I do as a DP.

I'll never forget the moment in class when I went from being afraid to fail, to expecting to fail. This informs everything I do.

And whether you're drawn to gospel music or church music or honky-tonk music, it informs your character and it informs your talent.

The feelings we all have as 50-year-olds are different than the feelings we all have as 30-year-olds. That informs everything we do.

Each thought you have informs your energy, and your energy manifests into your experiences. Your thoughts and energy create your reality.

Becoming a mom makes politics real. Whether it's education policies, health care policies, family leave - it informs your decision-making.

Cooking is for chefs. Science informs us and lets us cook while knowing what we are doing, but it is not a replacement for the skills of a chef.

Anything I do informs how I design. I wouldn't isolate any one activity. Everything I do feeds back to my life, and my life is expressed in my work.

The thing is that anybody looks good in the right clothes. It will affect your bearing. It will affect your demeanor. It informs the way you behave.

The theater I got to do informs every move I make as an actor and will for the rest of my life. I can't shake it if I wanted to, but I don't want to.

I'm a passionate Welshman. I have a culinary relationship with language: I taste what I say because I have two languages, and each informs the other.

You're not going to find a more committed performer than Sandra Oh - to every single word, action, history that informs the future. Every little thing.

I'm a director first and foremost, and I hope that the fact that I'm female is just one of the many things that informs my unique perspective on the world.

You have to have an awareness of where you're going, what the event is, what you're promoting, and who the audience is. That always informs the way you dress.

Well, filming in Hawaii, you know, is a blessing. It's one of the most beautiful places on this planet. It has a very mystic energy which informs you as an actor.

My wife is French, and so I get to see America through her eyes, which informs a lot of little moments. It means I can poke fun at very particular things about us.

The point of what I do is that it doesn't really matter what a book or a story is as long it moves you, informs you, challenges you, entertains you, or changes you.

My faith informs everything I think and do. It's part of my value system. And to suggest that I can somehow separate and divorce that from the rest of me is not possible.

I have an investment in the signifying aspects of the material as well as an understanding of antecedent bodies of work. That informs the way I make marks and make decisions.

For me, the costume is 50% of everything. It informs posture, it informs flexibility, it informs the way you walk, it informs what the character is capable of doing, at any time.

Honestly, I think, as an artist, it's everything that's in your life that informs what you do. So, obviously, growing up in Cleveland has played a big role in how I see the world.

I grew up with Woody Allen and early Spike Lee movies in which New York was such a specific character. The city has a certain vibe and beat which really informs your entire existence.

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