My mother insisted that her children read.

I never insisted that I was a good student.

It was my wife that insisted I do 'The Hangover.'

My mother insisted that I have a normal upbringing.

I didn't really want to sing at first, but my dad insisted that I do.

My mom insisted on multigrain bread and never allowed soda in the house.

The reason I always insisted on signing my work was not to be subordinate to anyone.

I'll demand of myself and my own government what, in the past, I insisted of others.

My father insisted that I and my sisters not be indoctrinated into any religion at any age.

I was born two months early, and everyone had given up on me. But my mother insisted on my life.

Mills insisted that a sociologist's proper subject was the intersection of biography and history.

I took piano for many years. I kicked and screamed through all of my lessons, but my mom really insisted.

That idea of URL was the basic clue to the universality of the Web. That was the only thing I insisted upon.

My dad insisted I got a trade. He had a plumbing business. So you are looking at a qualified heating engineer.

Indie movies got co-opted by the studio system. The studios insisted that only stars could make movies successful.

If it was up to me, I would send the gay community, who insisted on celebrating in Jerusalem, to Sodom and Gomorrah.

My father set a strict regimen for me. He insisted that I learn to play many musical instruments before I choose one.

My father insisted that each of us have a career. His family were refugees and he understood the vicissitudes of fortune.

But courage which goes against military expediency is stupidity, or, if it is insisted upon by a commander, irresponsibility.

I loved movies and watched a lot of them. But my father insisted that I get a good education before I joined the film industry.

A lot of people insisted on a wall between modern dance and ballet. I'm beginning to think that walls are very unhealthy things.

Columbia University, where I went to study in 1993, insisted its undergraduates learn a foreign language, so I discovered French.

In the contract days, the big studios groomed us to play particular roles and we would stay with the image they gave us and insisted on.

The first neurologist I saw just thought I was partying too much, and he stuck by that claim even after my family insisted that he was wrong.

Our founders insisted that protecting the states' power to govern themselves was vital to limit the power of Washington and preserve freedom.

I spoke with Zidane and he insisted that Casemiro is the player who gives Real Madrid balance. I decided to trust him and make him a starter.

Michael Lewis, author of 'Moneyball,' got special access for a profile of Obama for 'Vanity Fair' - but Obama insisted on redlining his quotes.

In most multiple composer situations, you find it because someone got nervous about the music and insisted that somebody else come in and help.

If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it.

Acting is my passion but everyone was against it. But mom insisted that her daughter would do what she wanted, no matter how brilliant a student she was.

With regard to the ballot, it is worthy of remark that no meeting has been held in favour of Reform at which the ballot has not been strongly insisted upon.

We only have one president and one secretary of state, but our founding fathers very clearly insisted that Congress play a significant role in foreign policy.

When I was young, I'd fight everyone who insisted I'd be an actress. I'd say, 'No way. I'm going to be a veterinarian. I'm going to work at Wetzel's Pretzels.'

Believe it or not, some Western analysts in the 1930s insisted that Stalin was a 'moderate,' controlled by extremists like the secret police chief Nikolai Yezhov.

What would life be like if everybody insisted you must have actually built such-and-such a thing by yourself? I'd be an old man and have nothing to show for the aging.

And my father, being a good Swiss puritan, always really insisted that if I was going to be an actor, I shouldn't just be an actor, I should know about the whole process.

Because I was writing verse, my instructor suggested I study Shakespeare. The Shakespeare teacher insisted you couldn't understand the text without seeing it on its feet.

From the moment I could express myself, I acted like a stereotypical girl and insisted that I was a girl. I wasn't just a boy who liked girly things - I knew I was a girl.

My first dance class was with Shiamak Davar when I was seven-eight years old. My mom insisted that I start learning to dance early because she's a trained classical dancer.

My father was a doctor, but he was what I would call an intellectual - very well-read and very interested in knowledge. He insisted that I get as much education as my brothers.

On 'The Apprentice,' I'm 100 per cent certain I'm paid the same as Claude Littner. I insisted on equality when I negotiated my contract. I would not have allowed anything else.

By the 1870s, ex-Confederates had taken their support for Western individualism a step further. They insisted the federal government was actively persecuting Western individuals.

The rhetoric of anti-Catholicism, whether its sources are Protestant or secular, has always insisted that the church of Rome is the enemy of what you might call healthy sexuality.

I worked as a flight attendant while I was pregnant with my son, Jordan. After suffering serious complications, my doctor insisted I stay home to protect the health of my pregnancy.

Imagine my surprise when, after a lifetime of teaching me to keep personal things to myself, Mom insisted my drawings were the start of a comic strip for millions of people to enjoy.

When I was four, my mother insisted I get out of the car and find my own way home. Although I got lost, I did find my way home. It taught me the value of independence at an early age.

Will Smith would not be Worldwide Will Smith if he had not insisted on going worldwide and touring with his films. You have to build that audience for people and allow for it to happen.

In the time of the robber barons, my great grandfather insisted on reinvesting and sharing profits with workers... He was told he was a socialist, that he was not welcome on Wall Street.

The United States have fulfilled in good faith all their treaty stipulations with the Indian tribes, and have in every other instance insisted upon a like performance of their obligations.

So, when I got the contract for my album, even though it was an English record, my manager insisted on making sure we would record in Spanish as well, and it worked out really well for me.

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