A song is the most intangible thing in the world.

Culture is intangible. It's spiritual. You can't buy it.

Patriotism is a mystery-intangible, invisible, and yet eternal.

Trust is probably the intangible, and cultivated of all characteristic.

With Hitler it was all floating, without roots, intangible and mediumistic.

Leadership is intangible, and therefore no weapon ever designed can replace it.

But whenever history is in the making, there's some kind of intangible feeling.

I'm developing artists for my new record label, my son's band, Intangible, being one of them.

Even dreams, the most delicate and intangible of things, can prove remarkable difficult to kill.

What is great about entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs create the tangible from the intangible.

The real magic is in making the intangible idea, the creative impulse, manifest and live in our reality.

Charisma is the intangible that makes people want to follow you, to be around you, to be influenced by you.

One feels 'the dearth of human words, the roughness of mortal speech' in trying to describe things intangible.

Horror movies can be very interesting because they can deal with intangible subjects that are full of emotion.

It's an intangible thing, this thing we call talent, especially if we're in a position to teach and mentor others.

Charm is an intangible. Chutzpah, charm, charisma, that kind of thing, you can't buy it. You either have it or you don't.

With cooking, there's always the tangible and the intangible: that which is in the domain of sentiment, of the individual.

They say that none of us exists, except in the imagination of his fellows, other than as an intangible, invisible mentality.

I believe when it comes to love, there's something intangible about who we are attracted to, and I don't think I have a pattern.

When I cast someone in a movie, I have to absolutely trust who they are as a human being. Trust is the intangible of moviemaking.

Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.

Any CEO who cannot clearly articulate the intangible assets of his brand and understand its connection to customers, is in trouble.

My role is to embody the Black Opium woman - I suppose you have to be the living embodiment of all the intangible things the brand stands for.

The first thing that you need to be a draw, to be a star, is the intangible 'It' factor. You cannot manufacture 'It,' you cannot replicate 'It.'

I think there's this primal need to go to a show when you're a rock fan. And it's about that camaraderie and about that intangible feeling that we all get.

I believe chemistry is based on the trust between two performers. What actually works is something intangible - being extremely comfortable in each other's presence.

Music draws from almost the identical place as art does, which really is that intangible - it's like you're pulling from the ether. I don't know where it comes from.

There are intangible realities which float near us, formless and without words; realities which no one has thought out, and which are excluded for lack of interpreters.

There are. intangible realities which float near us, formless and without words; realities which no one has thought out, and which are excluded for lack of interpreters.

Maybe its time we get a toolbox that doesnt just count whats easily counted, the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible.

As the new endogenous growth theory suggests, TFP growth is closely related to accumulation of the intangible capitals, such as human capital and research and development.

There are many things that you can't measure. But the great fun of what I do for a living is figuring out ways to measure things that people previously considered intangible.

The woman who has her being in marriage and motherhood has become part of antithetical reality, revoking property from the woman who remains in a condition of intangible femininity.

The price of a commodity will never go to zero. When you invest in commodities futures, you're not buying a piece of paper that says you own an intangible piece of company that can go bankrupt.

Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You, and you alone, can give them. You will receive abundance for your giving.

Our goal is not to be the biggest. Our goal is to be the best. That is why the aspiration that I have picked is to be the undisputed leader in professional services, and I'm starting with intangible metrics.

Love is poetry. To fall in love with a person is like understanding a deep, moving poem. Noticing every little detail. To see what the poet shows, to smell what he describes and the urge to taste the intangible.

Our technologised society is becoming opaque. As technology becomes more ubiquitous and our relationship with digital devices ever more seamless, our technical infrastructure seems to be increasingly intangible.

The music industry is a strange combination of having real and intangible assets: pop bands are brand names in themselves, and at a given stage in their careers their name alone can practically gaurantee hit records.

When you pretend for a living and you have to pretend in your private life as well, it's very sad. Because it's intangible, depression is an issue that people don't like to talk about. It's like a huge, guilty secret.

In reality, quitting Facebook is much more problematic than the company's executives suggest, if only because users cannot extract all the intangible social capital they have generated on the site and export it elsewhere.

There's a difference between good chemistry and a bond. Chemistry is something you have with somebody you meet - or you don't. It's an intangible. It may be superficial. It's much harder to put your finger on than a bond.

In fact men will fight for a superstition quite as quickly as for a living truth - often more so, since a superstition is so intangible you cannot get at it to refute it, but truth is a point of view, and so is changeable.

The FSB's invisible presence continued; the agency became an intangible part of my Moscow life - sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly, with someone in a back room clearly turning the volume of minor persecution up and down.

I'm a believer in belief. Faith is something that works - it causes people to do things, it has results. It's an intangible, indefinable, very real thing. And it moves people, sometimes to atrocity. And sometimes to survival.

Fame is such a weird concept. It's sort of intangible... Really, it's a bizarre process to be striving for something, attain it, then have the whole world around you change - but you're still kind of the same in the middle of it.

My varied listening palette is all-inclusive of all walks of life. No one individual is exempt from the human experience, so it is that intangible that is a universal truth. In that regard, I've had success in encapsulating something cosmic.

In becoming a citizen, one undertakes certain duties and responsibilities. One of the more intangible of those duties and responsibilities is no matter what one's birth and background, to accept the historical past of the new country as one's own.

As an actor, acting is like playing a sport. You do this thing that's intangible, and while it's happening, it's great. But then when it's done, there's really no tangible product. Someone else is capturing it and turning it into something tangible.

Making a film is hard because you're not dealing with the intangible. When you're writing, it's perfect because it's only in your head and then you have to take it into the physical world and that's where things drop off and things fall apart and you have to fix them.

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