Intellectually I'm probably a Republican.

Games have to be relevant intellectually.

Intellectually, I believe there's no free will.

A film engages you emotionally and intellectually.

I was very intellectually oriented, very early on.

Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism.

I get overwhelmed when I approach things intellectually.

We resemble computers intellectually and animals emotionally.

We still need to feed the public, both physically and intellectually.

I only surround myself with people who are intellectually stimulating.

My father made me who I am; he was incredibly intellectually generous.

Root for the girls who wear dresses and are intellectually very strong.

You have to change men physically before you change them intellectually.

I'm drawn to roles because they excite me intellectually and emotionally.

I want to be a part of something that's good and intellectually challenging.

When I was studying architecture in the 1970s, it was intellectually bankrupt.

Being intellectually hospitable is a virtue that I bring into the interview space.

I love a guy who knows who he is, can make me laugh, and challenges me intellectually.

I realized we're all walking around asleep, intellectually comatose, dead to the facts.

When you make a decision to forgive it's a decision that you have to make intellectually.

We are pleased to dismiss politics as entirely corrupt, if not financially, intellectually.

I know intellectually that if I shake somebody's hand that I'm not going to get sick and die.

Intellectually, now, I believe that it is a complete vanity to say positively there is no God.

I would say that, intellectually, Catholicism had no more impact on me than did social theory.

I don't want to write books that are intellectually staggering if nobody's going to read them.

It is intellectually dishonest to lump venture investors with hedge fund and buy-out investors.

A people morally and intellectually equal to self-government must also be equal in self-defence.

You can't understand a character intellectually, you have to become one with its emotional core.

Judaism is an intellectually based religion, and the single most important theme is that of study.

Being at the top of your game intellectually, philosophically, politically, is not a forever thing.

In grad school, I led a bit of a double life. I don't mean gender-wise - I just mean intellectually.

I contend that the ethos of perpetual non-judgment is intellectually dishonest if not outright cowardly.

I try to figure out - intellectually, philosophically, psychologically - what the experience of beauty is.

Nostalgia is a very complicated subject for me. I'm attracted by nostalgia but I refuse it intellectually.

It's wonderful when music is intellectually stimulating. But ultimately it has to be a visceral experience.

Comedy has become, I think, a very important branch of public intellectualism. But it still ain't Washington.

Only here, because of the illusion of intellectualism, our society separates the validity of human expression.

My parents were both very intellectually honest, straightforward, and for them, faith meant that you were fully engaged.

Every minute of every day, we should be challenging ourselves to grow intellectually and to stay curious about the world.

Agriculture can trigger job-led economic growth, provided it becomes intellectually satisfying and economically rewarding.

I must be intellectually honest and say there is a great justice deficit among us. Not all Brazilians are treated equally.

Agatha Christie's writing is incredibly skillful because her books are incredibly intellectually puzzling and challenging.

You can be a smarty-pants director, but that won't matter if the movie doesn't work emotionally as well as intellectually.

A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.

In a more intellectually rigorous age, I wouldn't be talked about as a satirist at all. I would just be a topical comedian.

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.

To get a game show into production is as challenging and as intellectually demanding as it is to write a novel or screenplay.

A profession which is seen as intellectually glamorous is often the most misunderstood when it comes to the commerce involved.

I would like to make a building as intellectually driven as it is sculptural and as positive as it would be acceptable to hope.

Intellectually I know that America is no better than any other country; emotionally I know she is better than every other country.

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