Item numbers are not for me.

Item numbers are not my cup of tea.

I'm not doing an item number in any film.

There is a baked item in the show, I'm there.

I am a sale shopper. I love a discounted item.

I will never do something like an item number.

The only casual item I own is a Levi's jacket.

Item numbers have existed from time immemorial.

I did not plan... the Cube as a competitive item.

I am the original item girl and will always be so.

If I don't have room for an item, I put it in warehouses.

I never wish to have an image of a sexy girl or an item girl.

If I did an item song, it would be something to watch out for.

Basically, books were a luxury item before the printing press.

Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector's item.

I can put on a £1,000 item of clothing and make it look a mess.

Sometimes I think everything I touch turns into a Page Six item.

We were so poor. Every item of clothing came from a thrift store.

If I find an item of clothing I like, I tend to buy it in multiples.

I'm going to try to have a bonus item with each issue of 'Revenger.'

I will not consider any offer for an item song. I will turn it down.

The most luxurious item is a beautiful bed and beautiful, simple sheets.

My revenue was $4 million my first year in business, off of one $20 item.

I don't see anybody pointing to desktop PCs as being a hot Christmas item.

Too many people treat parenting like it's the 20th item on their to-do list.

I don't think I've ever been a fashion item, I don't think I was as a player.

It doesn't matter if the item isn't your favorite thing as long it fits well.

Any item in your wardrobe should satisfy one of two criteria: utility and joy.

I want to prove to my fans that I am beyond candy floss roles and item numbers.

I was in the 'Alvin and the Chipmunk' movie, which was a real bucket list item.

My daughter is not an object to flash around or a prized item to put on display.

These days almost every heroine is trying to do an item number but I am the best.

I don't want to be known as an item dancer. I want to be known as an actress only.

In a company, you buy thousands of things. Every item you buy has its own footprint.

Everybody says they want good films and when one turns up, they go watch item songs.

I didn't leave the band to go solo so much as to stop feeling like a production item.

Time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved.

I am not in Bollywood for item songs. I have to do some meaty roles and realistic films.

The salability of an item can often be improved while the value itself remains unchanged.

Let me just make my mark as an actor first, and then an item song can be the second step.

I didn't want to get typecast doing an item number in 'Corporate,' so I didn't do it then.

The product I deliver is a luxury item. It's not cupcakes. A team of 10 works on my cakes.

The processing and preparation of food can transform a kosher item into a non-kosher item.

A good story often increases the salability of an item without increasing its actual value.

If offered, I'll definitely do an item number. I don't think there is anything wrong in it.

If you splurge, do it on an item that's fun, because you'll feel good whenever you put it on.

A decent beard has long been the number one must-have fashion item for any fugitive from justice.

If I walk into a store, I'm going to buy the best jacket or the best item in the store, hands down.

One of my favorite products at Warby Parker also happens to be our worst-selling item: the monocle.

One item on my agenda is simply planning trips, setting them as goals, something to look forward to.

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