Jeremy Lamb is a great dancer.

I love Jeremy Corbyn, definitely.

Do not underestimate Jeremy Corbyn.

Jeremy Renner is an incredible actor.

Jeremy Corbyn is a principled Labour man.

Jeremy Corbyn makes me angry. He seems vain.

Jeremy Corbin is a little too liberal for me.

I'm a real left-winger. I fancy Jeremy Corbyn!

I think Jeremy Lin is a really interesting player.

On many issues, Jeremy Corbyn and I are in agreement.

Jeremy Scott is a good friend, and we love his stuff.

Watching 'The Jeremy Kyle Show' is my guilty pleasure.

I never, ever thought Jeremy Corbyn would be quoting me!

I like Jeremy Scott, and he has some really dope sneakers.

I think there are bigger problems in the world than Jeremy Clarkson.

We cannot do anything that exposes the country to the risk of Jeremy Corbyn.

Jeremy Corbyn is a Brexiteer. This guy has always wanted us to leave the E.U.

Jeremy Corbyn has shown no ability to provide solutions for Brexit whatsoever.

If you really want to wind up Piers Morgan, send him a pic of Jeremy Clarkson.

I believe Jeremy Corbyn getting his hands on power is a risk we cannot afford to take.

Richard Hammond is a reasonably fit bloke who looks after himself. Me and Jeremy aren't.

Jeremy Corbyn confuses the public because he looks like a librarian and enjoys baking bread.

People really don't want Jeremy Corbyn, and they do fear the consequences of a Corbyn government.

I can't see Jeremy Clarkson having very many serious problems in his working life in the long run.

It would be a bloody tough call to do 'Top Gear' without Jeremy. That would be a bit of a daft idea.

But Tammy Faye calls me, and Ron Jeremy calls me, Erik Estrada sends me a Christmas card every year.

If I died snowboarding, you could honestly tell everybody in the world that Jeremy London died happy.

Jeremy Corbyn became the leader of the Labour party, and suddenly there was a reason to get involved.

I remember the Lord speaking into my heart and saying, 'Jeremy, I want you to stand up and worship me.'

Jeremy Corbyn has proved popular with young voters in part because he has promised an end to austerity.

Before 'Fringe' I was in 'Dirty Sexy Money' playing Jeremy Darling who was this bratty New York socialite.

Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell have made no secret of their desire to stamp out individualism and enterprise.

All I know is Andrew Davies is an amazing writer; I adore the scripts. I think that Jeremy Piven is outstanding.

Politics has become so polarised. We're stuck between the Ukip-lite Tories and Jeremy Corbyn. How is that a choice?

I'm a sucker for 'Jeremy Kyle,' sad as it sounds. I just go home and watch that, or whatever the missus is watching.

We couldn't get enough Jeremy Lin material in the NBA store fast enough. And when we did, it was just gone in minutes.

In 'Top Gear,' everything goes wrong because you have Jeremy Clarkson, so any practical activity ends in a pile of bits.

I would do whatever I could to make Jeremy Corbyn more electable, but you've got to give me something to work with, mate.

I was taught Shakespeare brilliantly by an eccentric genius at Harrow named Jeremy Lemmon who made me want to be a writer.

Jeremy Corbyn... love him. Right person, right time. He's like a poultice, drawing Blairite disease out of the Labour party.

Jeremy Scott reminds me of Harmony Korine, mixing all worlds and making them into one - you just never know what he's up to.

Jeremy Clarkson is rather charming, but I can't stomach his public persona. I don't like his casual racism and casual misogyny.

I want to take on fighters like Jeremy Stephens, Andre Fili... get ourselves into the Octagon and see if these guys can bully me.

Jeremy Corbyn's policy on Brexit has failed to unite his own Labour MPs and has been rightly castigated for lacking any clear course.

All you ever want as an actor is to play psychologically complex, interesting characters and Jeremy Bamber is at the very least that.

Growing up with my father was like growing up with Jeremy Corbyn. He still hasn't rejoined the party; it's not left wing enough for him.

I hadn't actually watched 'Entourage.' But I do understand that if you know and love that show, Jeremy Piven is about as good as it gets.

I think it's absolutely extraordinary that any Conservative MP considered even for one minute installing Jeremy Corbyn in Downing Street.

Growing up as a kid, I watched Jeremy Shockey... Tony Gonzalez... Antonio Gates. I looked up to them. I watched what they did to be successful.

The day Guy Clark passed away was the day we wrote 'Girl Goin' Nowhere.' It was the first day I had met Jeremy Bussey, who I wrote the song with.

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