Loads of my jewellery was my mum's.

I don't wear any jewellery or gold at home.

I don't care for jewellery and fancy clothes.

Not on one strand are all life's jewels strung.

Most of my jewellery is what I picked up in India.

I love minimalistic jewellery with a contemporary touch.

I want to inspire children to be obsessed over jewellery.

I inherited my love of gold jewellery from my grandmother.

Jewellery is a great way to take your look from day to night.

I have a lot of lion jewellery and lion art. I also love crystals.

I think you should only wear jewellery if it has a story behind it.

I get sent lots of jewellery by fans, and that's absolutely lovely.

I think a bit of jewellery that cheers you up for the day isn't a bad thing.

Chandeliers are marvels of drop-dead showiness, the jewellery of architecture.

Jewellery is a way of making a very simple outfit something you can wear to go out.

I love jewellery and stuff, so when I first got signed, I spent it on a load of bling.

I've never been a big fan of jewellery or any of the shiny stuff, I just want to fight.

I get such lovely gifts from fans... amazing pictures, handmade jewellery. I'm very lucky!

I am not about airs and graces, fancy cars or jewellery. I am just about my family and my kids.

You don't wear all your jewellery at once. You're much more believable if you talk in your own voice.

I love jewellery, and the idea of having something you've created become tangible is really exciting.

You can't even tell, but a lot of the time your favourite rappers are wearing a bunch of fake jewellery.

I've got a lot of jewellery that I love - whether it costs a pound or whatever, it's all precious to me.

Pomellato Jewellery makes such timeless pieces. I have a chunky gold bracelet that goes with everything.

In Leh, the bazaar is famous for its silver jewellery and leather bags, both of which I bought in plenty.

I have a fetish for shoes; makeup and jewellery so I tend to splurge more on these products than clothes.

I love masculine cuts with suits and chunky jewellery. My hair is so glam, it balances it out, and it's comfy!

When our jewellery business went into receivership we avoided bankruptcy by selling our houses and possessions.

The jewellery I wear on stage in the opera house is not real, but the bling-bling I wear in concerts? Those are real!

A little jewellery on a man is OK, although he should never wear too much. Every man should always have a great watch.

Understated jewellery is not for me. It's too itsy-bitsy. My husband is lucky, as I've never had a yen for real jewels.

I wear a lot of different jewellery. I love to look for it when I'm abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop.

I've always liked historic jewellery that's got a kind of quirkiness or playfulness to it; I like that it's not too serious.

For me, style is all about confidence. What you wear, both in terms of clothing and jewellery, should add to your confidence.

I have a long time association with Prince jewellery and the only piece of jewellery I wore for my wedding was designed by them.

Jewelery is my weakness. Whenever I see any jewellery, I am unable to control myself. My daughters or somebody has to cool me down.

When I need to get away from my desk, I tend to take walks or go places. I also like to bead - working with beads to make jewellery.

We don't have a jewellery background, so we just come up with these things that we wanna wear, that we wish were out there, you know?

I've always worn jewellery but for a time it went out of fashion. Like grungy and punk bands didn't wear jewellery because it was stupid.

I love jewellery, but it's something I go through stages with. I have my go-to pieces that I will bring out and wear for weeks at a time.

The craze for the 'taant er sari,' terracotta pottery or Bengal jewellery will never wane because Bengal portrays unparalleled diversity.

Each piece of jewellery tells a story of my life. Picking one particular piece as a favorite would be like taking a chapter out of a book.

I am obsessed with silver jewellery, so I visited the Johri Bazar, which is famous for it and bought a lot of silver rings, earrings and pendants.

Every year during Dhanteras, we buy jewellery either for me or my mom, from our jeweller. It's been a ritual which we have been following for years.

I always accessorise with jewellery. I am a bit of a magpie; I love sparkles, and so wearing jewellery makes me feel more exciting and confident, too!

I love diamond jewellery on men, and pocket scarves, cravats, cufflinks. The trick is to throw it together so it's natural and not contrived. That's real style.

I'm a mother of three. I don't really have the time to put very elaborate outfits together, so I keep it casual but dress it up with shoes, a bag, and jewellery.

We've just been nostalgic about old-school hip hop, listening to it at home and looking at people like Slick Rick and all those guys who used to wear huge jewellery.

I like to wear jewellery, even though I like my look to be minimalist. When I go out for events, I like to have at least one statement piece. It always adds glamour.

Most of my jewellery is designed in South India. I pick out unique pieces in silver and then remake them in gold. None of my pieces are gifts; I make all my jewellery.

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