I'm definitely a joker.

The Joker is my favorite villain of all time.

I love Bane. I love the Joker. I love Batman.

I'm an efficient striker, but I'm not a joker.

I wouldn't call the Joker exactly easy to write.

Trump would either be the Scarecrow or the Joker.

If I end up hosting 'Joker's Wild,' please shoot me.

I'm a traveling practical joker. That's my line of work.

When Joker hits his three, it opens up the game for everybody.

I think the Joker resonates with people as much as Batman does.

The Joker,' I made the album in 17 days and it was my last shot.

When me and Joker are on, I don't think there's anyone who can stop us.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm way more of a joker than I am a serious person.

I liked The Trickster because he was The Flash's Joker. I liked Solomon Grundy, too.

I was a practical joker as a teenager and I still am today - you can ask any of my staff.

When 'Joker' came out in '73, I finally got a viral hit. Every DJ who heard it played it.

I always think of the Joker as the ultimate bully. Nothing he says is funny except to him.

I'm a very loyal boyfriend. I'm a bit of a joker... I can be romantic, but not too sickly.

It's great fun being an academic because you have a certain licence to be a bit of a joker.

I want to play my Joker. Not the Joker, but my Joker. Somebody who can have fun doing wrong.

The Joker is my favorite villain of all time: You don't know his past; you just know what his plans are.

Denny O'Neil did some great things with Joker - I thought Greg Rucka used him really well in 'Gotham Central.'

My dream role is to play in a story of how the Joker became the Joker, and I would play the young Heath Ledger.

I can like Jack Nicolson's Joker, and I can like Heath Ledger's Joker. There's other Jokers I don't have to like.

That's all the Joker is. It's Batman without love. The Riddler is the opposite of that. It's the detective in him.

My father, the practical joker, did not care for practical jokes on himself; he did not encourage the practice in me.

I'd like to be a superhero or a supervillain in a huge action movie. I want to play, like, the Joker or something like that.

Elvis was, at least the times I was around him, Elvis was a practical joker. He was always, had some little mischievous something going.

Rarely was a distinction deserves as the Oscar for best supporting actor, who went to the late Heath Ledger. His 'Joker' is really incredible.

Most of Charlotte's character is really who she is. A lot of who Ashley is is Charlotte and the same with my dad. It's not like I'm the Joker.

I always read interviews with people and they say I was a right joker at school, I was a right loner at school - but I was just kind of average.

There's a little bit of Sid and Nancy to the Joker and Harley look, which I always felt would not be a bad look if they were in a live-action movie.

I'm a joker; that's my choice. It's my style. But I care about my life. I care about the game. I care about the people who gave me this opportunity.

I think portraying the Joker's point of view would do a disservice to that character. As soon as you get inside his head he would lose so much power.

I wouldn't want to be Superman. Batman would be cool. But the one I've always wanted to play is the Joker. There is a maniacal and dangerous side to me.

You can't tell a Batman story without the Joker, and you can't tell a Joker story without Batman. They're just the symbols of the best and worst of humanity.

On one level, I am a massive joker and can't take anything seriously, but on the other hand, I'm incredibly serious and a deep thinker, so I have that dichotomy within me.

I don't know about you, but every time some joker points me out as I walk through an airport wearing extra-small Dolfin shorts, a tank top and leg warmers, I get a little upset.

Until I was about 14, I was a fat boy, or at least I looked like a fat boy. I think that being funny was a bit of a defence mechanism for me, so I ended up being a bit of a joker.

The voice has been my joker card that sometimes has played like an ace and sometimes a joker. When you sing the way I sing, it's impossible to get people to talk about anything else.

People who know me, they know I have a sense of humor, I'm a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy.

Please don't compare me with Taher Shah. He is a joker, while I am an artiste - I am a model and an actress. Taher Shah comes, makes people laugh, and goes away. I work with a lot of honesty.

The greatest villain of all time is The Joker - he always has been, and I don't know anyone who's not going to have Heath Ledger's performance burnt into their brains for the rest of their lives.

Jekyll is quite close to me, a little bit more shy. Whereas Hyde is a mish-mash of lots of things. I didn't realise I was borrowing it throughout the auditions - but Heath Ledger's Joker was an influence.

When I was writing 'Black Panther,' on one level, I was angry because DC would never let me write 'Batman,' so I was doing Marvel's 'Batman,' and Reverend Achebe became sort of the Joker to Panther's Batman.

You can be committed to somebody because of ego: 'I said I was going to be with this joker for the rest of my life, so I'm just going to do it.' Or you can be committed because you have a deeply rooted connection.

If you actually read the 'New Gods' tetralogy, this epic without an ending, it's like dipping your head into madness. You feel a little bit like the Joker for a little while. And I mean that in the best way possible.

When I was younger, I used to love Tim Burton's 'Batman.' I was, like, 15, and even then, I was aware, 'This is really the Joker's film.' It's like, the Joker just takes over, and Batman, you really don't learn too much about him.

Generally my response to seeing something really symmetrical and perfect is... it's the scene with Jack Nicholson's Joker in the first 'Batman,' the museum scene. Him just spray-painting the Mona Lisa, and whatever, with his goons.

I remember when Heath Ledger talked about playing the Joker... I always used to look out of the side of my eye, going, 'Yeah, actors.' But there really is a darkness when you are playing someone psychotic - you have to go there mentally.

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