I like journalists.

Most journalists are idiots.

I wait for death and journalists.

I don't trust a lot of journalists.

You can't disbar unethical journalists.

I hate journalists. I don't trust them.

A lot of what journalists write is drivel.

You know it's easy here to buy journalists.

It's the film journalists that I'm wary of.

As journalists, we keep pushing and pushing.

I've been avoiding journalists my whole life.

I amused myself playing with the journalists.

ABC forbids political activity by journalists.

Journalists prize independence - not teamwork.

Only two journalists followed the team around.

I normally have a healthy fear of journalists.

Journalists do not write about human feelings.

Journalists aren't supposed to be cheerleaders.

I am not one of the great journalists of my time.

I make friends faster and easier than journalists.

My comments are reserved for reputable journalists.

Journalists have made celebrities into an industry.

Journalists never make it clear when you are joking.

Every poll shows that most journalists are Democrats.

I think of journalists as being bullet-proof in a way.

'Reality' is a notion that journalists take for granted.

I don't like journalists and I hardly ever talk to them.

Journalists are out to trap me with my underwear showing.

Journalists run many risks. It comes with the profession.

We're in no way crime journalists or professionals really.

I find myself believing everything that journalists tell me.

We need journalists to be fearless and hold power to account.

There's many heroic underappreciated investigative journalists.

Journalists should denounce government by public opinion polls.

The really clever people now want to be lawyers or journalists.

If you believe in journalism, you don't insult good journalists.

I think of us as journalists; the medium we work in is blogging.

I think the idea of journalists being neutral is very important.

I think as journalists, we have to keep our distance from power.

It's amazing to me that journalists are held in such low esteem.

Journalists seem mostly interested in what brand of shoes I wear.

It's in the DNA of Scientology that they don't trust journalists.

Journalists know that often you don't grab stories, they grab you.

Journalists must work to earn the trust of those they aim to serve.

I don't think journalists should talk about whom they're voting for.

I interact with journalists all the time, and I note how they behave.

One of the most important roles of our journalists is to be watchdogs.

Journalists are like dogs, when ever anything moves they begin to bark.

Stop pretending journalists are anything other than the Hillary PR team.

Why should I give you an interview? All you journalists are plagiarists.

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