I'm just saying it's not all sand castles and ninjas.

I'm not just saying this, but I love everything about India.

I'm just saying I'm being myself, and people understand that.

I'm just saying it's easier to kill a cat than dispose of a car.

A win for one is a win for all - and I'm not just saying that because Dumas did.

Charisma is not just saying hello. It's dropping what you're doing to say hello.

I'm just saying that at least for the foreseeable future there won't be any more touring

I'm just saying what I think about at the time. I don't make a point to do anything, really.

When you say you don't get religion, you're just saying that you don't get organized religion.

In and out of dimensions I walk through walls, just saying you can't put me in a box that's all.

I'm just saying, take courage. That and pretty much that alone is never the incorrect thing to do.

I'm just saying, it's got to be about something more than just body parts when you're with somebody.

I feel that I helped the working class by just saying there are no barriers, which I consider to be true.

I just know that something good is going to happen. I don't know when - but just saying it could even make it happen.

You'll see some great performances [in Fences]. And I'm not just saying that because I directed it either! You'll see!

Most people ask me questions based on a previous interview. That's not an interview. It's like they're just saying my quotes back to me.

I always say that when I'm playing well, no one can beat me. I'm not just saying that to sound full of myself or anything, but it's true.

When you say 'I love you', you are not just saying it to that person. You are saying 'I love you' to yourself, the planet & The Universe.

I'm just saying that if you understand how the economic machine works, it just works like a machine. There are cause-effect relationships.

I'm not saying that charming, witty and warm copy won't sell. I'm just saying I've seen thousands of charming, witty campaigns that didn't sell.

It can be easy for an actor to go "Well I really have to do a lot" and then just saying "I don't need to do anything, I'm not bound to do anything".

He would have shaved the centaurs, dipped them in honey, covered them with feathers, and hung them up like a bunch of pinatas. I'm just saying." - Warren

Good?” Cam said. “Right?” I took another bite and nodded. “Well, I have a whole ton of them at home.” He stretched as he rolled up his napkin. “Just saying.

Um, accidents happen. Especially if there's a co-star that you're not that fond of - you might 'accidentally' deck him. But no, I'm a professional. I'm just saying that can happen.

Were you ever actually going to leave New York, or were you just saying that to get her to finally make a move?” “Clary,” said Luke, “I am shocked that you would suggest such a thing.

I think if I had just slowed down a little bit it could have a little easier. I multiplied how difficult it needed to be instead of just saying, fair enough. You don't have to make it hard.

I'm just saying -- you can't prevent other people from disappointing you. It's bound to happen at some point. We're all only human. What you can do is decide how you're going to deal with it.

I'm just saying that there are high quality materials, and when we change them then there should be a way of changing them so that you can celebrate that change - rather than just 'mix it up'.

Just saying you are better than good won't make it so. But, when you understand what it takes to live the better than good life, and you apply yourself, your life will truly be better than good.

Inevitably people will get tired of me. People get tired of everyone except Jimmy Stewart. I'm not saying Jimmy Stewart would get tired of me, I'm just saying people will never get tired of Jimmy Stewart.

I'm just saying that we need to find a better way to manifest the broader society's aspirations, politically. The key to it has to be some sort of proportional representation, which allows there to be more parties.

I'm certainly not saying anything new, and I'm not even saying anything all that different from what everyone else I know is saying right now - I'm saying what millions of people are saying. I'm just saying it publicly.

People think that since we're on a major label, all of a sudden everyone's telling us what to do and it's really not like that at all. They're just saying you should tour because you can finally get out of debt and everyone's coming out to the shows we sold.

Mitt Romney comes from a Mormon background. I don't know how many wives he has. I'm not saying that I believe in that, I'm just saying he was born on a Mormon compound. I'm not a 'Wifer' but for some reason he's never shown his original marriage certificate.

You were spying on us?" "It was kind of hard not to. You were right there by the workshop with Will. it looked like he was practically squishing you to death." "He wasn't," Ronnie assured him. "I'm just saying how it looked." She smiled. You'll understand when you're a little older.

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