If you want to be a leader, go lead

Leaders have to be dealers in hope.

Great obstacles make great leaders.

The boss says 'I'; the leader, 'we'.

Leaders flourish in times of crisis.

A true leader produces more leaders.

A leader must look and act the part.

Good leaders have a generosity gene.

The race needs workers, not leaders.

A good leader makes a good follower.

Kings fear change. Leaders crave it.

EU leaders must act over immigration

You can't be jealous and be a leader.

Our leaders are acting like lemmings.

Leaders are those who empower others.

I haven't been a leader - not at all.

A leader's job is to help his people.

To sustain our leaders is a privilege.

A leader is admired, a boss is feared.

Business leaders cannot be bystanders.

It is time for a leader who will lead.

Readers are leaders. Thinkers succeed.

Leaders should be the chief repenters.

I would love to be a corporate leader.

Leaders when not leading are outcasts.

It takes leaders to grow other leaders.

They have miscalculated me as a leader.

A leader leads by example not by force.

Leaders use story to author the future.

Everyone wins when a leader gets better

Leaders lead by virtue of who they are.

The movement must go beyond its leaders

Hitler is a medicine man type of leader.

There is no success without a successor.

Leaders are made one response at a time.

In America, public opinion is the leader

Skilled leaders focus on "we," not "me."

I call myself the assistant cult leader.

Ya know, Hitler was a great leader, too.

We don't think about women being leaders.

Every great leader has a generosity gene.

Anyone who influences others is a leader.

It is the leader's job to hold hope high.

Great leaders make people feel important.

Everything rises and falls on leadership.

All musicians are potential band leaders.

A political leader worthy of assassination

A good leader needs to know how to follow.

Strong leaders equal strong organizations.

My job is to throw passes and be a leader.

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