LeBron is not a fool.

LeBron just wants to win.

LeBron and I are friends.

LeBron is not a good defender.

LeBron will not likely win six rings.

I was LeBron James before LeBron James.

I want to hear LeBron James's Uber stories.

We all know LeBron's IQ is on another planet.

I'm looking forward to playing against LeBron.

Nobody impacts winning more than LeBron James.

There are very few LeBron James and Kobe Bryants.

I don't think people understand how good LeBron is.

I'm a big Bulls fan, Michael Jordan fan, LeBron fan.

LeBron's one of the most freaky athletes of all time.

What LeBron James has done in our league is phenomenal.

At the end of the day I did have LeBron James on my team.

Our goal is a title. With LeBron, we are in 'win now' mode.

LeBron ain't got none of my game, but his heart is all mine.

More people care about LeBron James than some religious leader.

Maybe the ones burning my jersey were never LeBron fans anyway.

LeBron is a great player and a great guy, but he's a drama queen.

LeBron's a good player, but I look at him as just a regular guy to me.

I'm no slouch, but when comparing LeBron's game, I'm usually left out.

Mike Brown wanted to hire me to work with LeBron in player development.

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade don't just beat you, they snatch your heart.

You knew LeBron James was going to be LeBron James when he was a sophomore.

The thing about LeBron is he's very unselfish, right? So he can pass the ball.

I love LeBron, but Kobe was the first player I actually considered my favorite.

For Laura Ingraham to go after LeBron for speaking out politically is ridiculous.

LeBron is like a coach. He is a coach on the floor. He has a great basketball IQ.

I'm always getting confused with LeBron James. Everywhere I go, I'm LeBron James.

LeBron James can get a shot off under any and all circumstances and he makes them.

I'm a huge LeBron James fan. I love The Heat. He's an incredible basketball player.

I'm a fan of LeBron James. I'm not really a team fan; I'm just a fan of one player.

When LeBron came into the league, I was 9 years old. So I grew up watching him play.

I guess, if it wasn't for Jordan, there would be no LeBron or Kobe who plays like that.

I used to watch LeBron on TV growing up, and now I'm playing my first game against him.

LeBron is the best player in our league, but some people have a hard time playing with him.

I feel like LeBron James is an amazing basketball player, but he's also a community person.

LeBron is LeBron. They're not going to call offensive fouls on him. He gets to do what he wants.

LeBron James needs to go to another team with two superstars already so he can win a championship.

I love NBA. I enjoy it, and I also really love the dominance that LeBron James brings to the court.

I respect LeBron. People think we have a hate for each other, but I totally respect what he's done.

LeBron James, I just love watching him play. I love his work ethic and all the things he stands for.

There's bigger threats in my neighborhood than LeBron James, so I have no fear whatsoever of LeBron.

Usually guys like Chris Paul, Lebron James, they will steal the ball from you. Stay away from those guys.

Everybody knows that LeBron James is my favorite basketball player and I love the way he goes to the rack.

LeBron James is one of the best players in the league - and one of the best players to ever play the game.

I loved LeBron when he was in Cleveland. Loved him in Miami. And loved him when he went back to Cleveland.

LeBron - he's LeBron. He just won't be denied, he's the best player in the league and also a great person.

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