Light-skinned privilege is largely through a white lens. It is exploited by oppressive forces... It was always a facade.

If you see everything through the lens, you are constantly composing pictures. I think in pictures; I don't think in text.

Being able to write about love through a trans lens is something that's not really represented when it comes to love songs.

I was apprehensive. I feared every time I talked about poetry, it would be filtered through the lens of race, sex, and age.

I've wanted to see beyond the Western, mechanical view of the world and see what else might appear when the lens was changed.

There was no market for poetry about trauma, abuse, loss, love, and healing through the lens of a Punjabi-Sikh immigrant woman.

I'm not trying to blow out a camera lens or make the audience's hair go straight back from my sheer volume, sheer energy level.

I consider myself to be from Madrid because I arrived very young, but I do not forget my years in Lens - of which I am also proud.

One-day cricket and T20s have vastly different identities and one cannot look at it through the mere lens of 'white-ball cricket.'

I have a unique lens on how the extreme priorities of the NRA's leaders are dangerous for America, Atlanta and communities of color.

9/11 was a sort of hinge event in American history, and all jihadi terrorist plots or attacks are kind of filtered through that lens.

I like to write stories that read like historical fiction about great, world-changing events through the lens of a flawed protagonist.

Flash turns up the optical volume so that whatever lies behind the lens - be it film or a digital sensor - is a little more receptive.

If you know the shape of the lens and the image you get, you can work out the path that light followed between the object and your eye.

You learn tricks to make action look more dynamic - having the fight come toward you or shooting on a longer lens to compress the speed.

I use femaleness as another lens, so I don't even think all my creatures are women; I just think that I bring out the femaleness in them.

The roles I used to be cast for were typically objectified women, so I was always being shown or spoken about through the lens of the guy.

Drama is drama, and it's really... if it's something small, you put a magnifying glass up to it; if it's something big, you use a wide lens.

The thing that's interesting about science fiction is that it is always, when it is done well, a lens on our world. And yet it is a metaphor.

Memory is often - perhaps usually - a distorting lens: what we think we remember isn't the way it was at all. It's what we'd like to remember.

I've always been shy and that's partly why I chose a life behind the lens. I like people to look at my work and hopefully it speaks for itself.

The music industry is an interesting lens through which to look at change, because it has had such a difficult time adjusting to the digital age.

I can't help but see things in life through a humorous lens, so anything that comes my way is gonna probably be, you know, bent in that direction.

In everything I do, the aesthetics are driven by the emotion. However I can do that with a camera, whether it's a long lens or a wide lens, I'll do.

Ansel Adams rattled around the Southwest with his battered truck and his view camera, which looked like a giant accordion with a lens attached to it.

When we look at history, we see history is made up of the heroes of their times. Yet, somehow we miss this when we put on the lens of the Scriptures.

Looking at the world through a sustainability lens not only helps us 'future proof' our supply chain, it also fuels innovation and drives brand growth.

The lens through which I view the media world is pretty simple: If you are in the business of sucking up attention, then you are in the media business.

Every time I look through the lens with Denzel, I'm like a 12-year-old kid. It's hard for me to look at the monitor because the fun is in watching him.

In general, I get nervous when I do print interviews because I know that whatever I say is going to be shown through the lens of whomever I'm talking to.

Just as theater has to be where people live, actors have to go out in the marketplace - not be cut off by a lens. Either an artist grows or he stagnates.

When I can see things through the lens of the director, it's like being able to see the whole puzzle - it's not just about my role, but the whole script.

There can be no better grounding for a lifetime as an author than to see humanity in all its various guises through the lens of the reporter for the town.

When you've lived as long I've lived, you see things from a bigger lens, and you try to share that with the young guys coming up, including being patient.

When other people look at K-pop with a more traditional Western lens, or when people listen to it, it may sound like a combination of all different genres.

Every year or so, I try to do something; it keeps me refreshed as to what's going on in front of the lens, and I understand what the actor is going through.

The data, however, do indicate that Christians who see Jews through a 17th-century lens, believing that most are thoroughly religious, are thoroughly wrong.

Every generation looks at literature through the lens of their own experience, but with the Bible, everyone gets apprehensive and thinks it'll be too stuffy.

The far Right's identity politics are the mirror image of that dominant left-wing ideology, which sees the world exclusively through the lens of race and sex.

In the winter of 2012, as my fiftieth birthday approached, I began to write what turned into my autobiography, a look at my own life through the lens of food.

All the things worth writing about are outside me. I'm a lens, not a source. And even if it's not always a comfortable journey, it's always a stimulating one.

Even though the moniker 'Vanilla ISIS' is tongue in cheek, it is a reminder to avoid constantly framing the concept of terrorism through an Islam-centric lens.

I am not a scientist. I have never analyzed the far reaches of the solar system through the lens of a telescope nor scrutinized cancer cells under a microscope.

In the same way that a film director would use a film lens to blur out a certain item or use a spotlight, I use certain movements that draw the eye instinctually.

Disability in the Middle East is viewed through a different lens because you're in wartime countries where it's much more mainstream, so I was just never 'other'd.

I feel every shot, every camera move, every frame, and the way you frame something and the choice of lens, I see all those things are really important on every shot.

I've been lucky to travel and work all over the world through the lens of the back of the house, and I love that monocle. I love that lens, because it's real people.

It's very intimate. There are certain moments where it feels like it's just you and the lens. It's something that has been a very stable, consistent thing in my life.

When a regular camera focuses physically, what the regular camera is doing is adjusting the lens relative to the sensor to bring different parts of the scene into focus.

Warhol was the ultimate voyeur, constantly observing people through the lens. He watched and listened, but did not participate. Behind the camera, Warhol was in control.

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