Les Paul was my godfather.

My first record I owned was by Les Paul.

I have decided to come back for Les Bleus.

Les Miserables is one of my favorite stories.

I use Gibson guitars; I prefer the Les Paul custom.

I used to watch the Broadway 'Les Miz' and study it.

Get ready for 'Les Mis 2'... I'm playing 'Fat Cosette.'

My dad loved Les Paul, and I wanted to be just like that.

I thought, 'If I can't be prom queen, I can dance 'Les Sylphide.'

'Bloodless' reminded me a bit of 'Les Miserables' when it first came out.

I sing; I started my career at 9 years old in 'Les Miserables' on Broadway.

When I was doing 'Les Mis,' someone sent me a collection of pencil rubbers.

My first guitar, a Fender Jazz Master, I traded it in for a Les Paul Deluxe.

I waited for a long time for a call-up for Les Bleus, but that call never came.

I have loved 'Les Miz' for so long. It was the first Broadway show I'd ever done.

I love' Les Mis,' and I owe it a lot, because I wouldn't have been born without it.

The only shows I saw as a kid were that holy trinity: 'Les Miz,' 'Cats,' 'Phantom.'

There have been lots of attempts to make a movie of 'Les Miserables' over the years.

I auditioned for the part of Cosette in 'Les Miserables' on Broadway. It didn't work out.

It's fantastic to see 'Les Miserables' become the top-grossing film at the U.K. box office.

The happiest times in my life were the days when I was traveling with Les Brown and his band.

I have tons of Telecasters but also about 50 Les Pauls, six or seven SGs, and a bunch of Gretsches.

I did see 'Les Miz' and I thought it was just incredible. Totally incredible. I love 'Chicago,' too.

I pride myself on not being run of the mill. I don't want to be your umpteenth Fantine in 'Les Miz.'

The best slide guitar, unless you're playing the Muddy Waters-style, is the old '52 Goldtop Les Paul.

I can't look at John Prescott without thinking of Les Dawson, and Robin Cook is a caricature of himself.

I remember seeing 'Les Miserables' with the original cast - this was in '87 - and I was blown away by it.

I still fall back a lot on my Les Paul, and there is just no getting away from a Les Paul and a hot pickup.

My mum bought discounted tickets for shows like 'Cats' and 'Les Miserables'; I became completely enamoured.

If my life hadn't itself been a modern adaptation of 'Les Atrides,' I probably would never have left the theatre.

I damaged my health during 'Les Mis,' which I didn't want to mention in case it seemed like I was courting sympathy.

When I was little, I saw the play 'Les Miserables' on Broadway, I thought it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

There are good '59 Les Pauls, and there are not-so-good ones. There are ones that are just OK, that don't sustain as well.

I've dreamt of being in a movie musical for a long time. For some reason I never even thought 'Les Mis' would be possible.

I didn't know I could sing until I auditioned for 'Les Miserables.' My friend was auditioning, and I wanted to audition too.

My first guitar was a Les Paul that I bought off a friend for 500 bucks. I worked a long time to save up enough money for it.

Lots of people are astounded that I was in the first cast of 'Les Miserables.' Possibly because I look so incredibly youthful.

I love 'Les Mis' so much, like, since I was younger; I saw it when I was like, you know, 10, and I've seen it almost 18 times.

I think 'Les Demoiselles D'Avignon' is one of the most transfixing paintings of all time. And it was made by a monster of a man.

'Les Miserables', the book, 'Les Miserables', the musical - it's about giving; it's about goodness. It's about compassion and love.

I tried a Les Paul when I was a lot younger. I tried the Les Paul, and because of the weight of the thing, it nearly dislocated my hip.

I loved 'Les Miz' and 'Into the Woods' - I used to cast 'Into the Woods' with my friends, even if they'd never stepped on stage before.

In college, I was a huge fan of 'Les Miserables.' I seem to remember that people who were into French literature preferred Hugo's poetry.

When I was a 7-year-old girl, in my bedroom, on my karaoke machine, I would sing 'On My Own' or do a one-woman version of 'Les Miserables.'

I've had two owners - Jim Dolan and Les Alexander in Houston. Both were terrific. They wanted to win badly and gave you the resources to win.

I really enjoy working with luthiers, and have a couple of really old Les Pauls and one of my original Strats that I still carry on the road.

I met Les Paul when I was about 5. I was taken to see him perform and the place was sold out, just packed and full of really great musicians.

I went to Paris when I was 17 and would sit in a cafe called Les Deux Magots, in the Latin Quarter. I spoke English, but not a word of French.

Nobody is playing music like this, like the Allman Brothers, and there's still a lot of fans out there, so that's what we're doing with Les Brers.

Les Pauls work out real well for me because I'll beat the hell out of them and they'll still work. The only trouble with them is finding good ones.

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