I live my life on TV - it's like a home video.

Fairly cheap home computing was what changed my life.

Animals play a big part in my life, on tour or at home.

Akron, Ohio, is my home. It will always be remembered. Akron, Ohio, is my life.

I couldn't hit a home run to save my life, and I was a sucker for the curveball.

I've stopped wanting a home, I think, because I've been on tour all my life, basically.

I never in my life watch 'Rick and Morty' unless I came home from school and it was on TV.

I've been working since I was four. My life has only been about shootings, studios, and home.

America changed my life, but I still think of home and working in Scotland was an important part of that.

I would like to spend the whole of my life traveling, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend at home.

I'm happy I've stayed because Rome has become my home and an indelible part of my life, in an almost unreal way.

I don't feel I've arrived home until I get on the beach. All my life, the theater of the sea has been a very strong thing.

I really know right from wrong and apply that to my life. At home, I was the oldest of three. My role was to be the responsible one.

I go home and take all of my make-up off. Then I sit in my pants or a tracksuit and watch 'Birds Of A Feather.' That's most nights of my life.

Sometimes I try to just sit at home and do something calmer and simpler and just be in my life. You know, not trying to solve a lot of things at once.

The four places I've called home in my life have been Lahore, London, New York and California. And I have a very strong tie to each one of those four places.

I think because my life is so insane and it's constantly going at 120 miles per hour, my favorite thing to do is sit at home in front of the TV and check out.

Marvel Comics has always been a place where I felt at home. It has been a very important part of my life and has always been a wellspring of creative and relevant ideas.

I've never stayed in a tent or a caravan in my life, and I never joined the Boy Scouts. I don't see the point of going on holiday to enjoy less comfort than I have at home.

To be scrupulously honest, I only met Noel Coward twice in my life, and then briefly, but I heard so much about him at home when I was growing up that I always felt I knew him well.

It's true, I had an extremely delicious life, but that was my life at home, and perhaps because I was only a child, or for whatever reasons, I found the company of others, especially other boys, quite terrifying and upsetting.

I'm a regular Canadian girl. I enjoy staying home. In the summer I've got a garden. I'm very much a homebody, a normal, family-oriented girl. But I do have this other incredible side of my life that involves acting and traveling.

And so much of my life has been about returning home and longing for home, wanting my children to know about my roots. And I thought I can't be the only one to feel this way so I thought it would be an interesting topic to explore.

I fled my home town and did odd jobs, including things like re-designing old furniture, before I became an actor. Having said that, I don't think the story of my life is in any way remarkable. What is remarkable is how acting opportunities have come my way.

I was never the class clown or put on shows at home. I never thought of acting as something I could do with my life. When I was a kid, I used to run around wrapped in toilet paper so I could be the Mummy. But that wasn't a sign that I was dreaming of being an actor. I was just an odd child.

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