Life is a buzzer box. Poke it.

Life is not a spectator sport.

Life is filled with trapdoors.

Life is an X-rated soap opera.

Life is short and so is money.

Life is life, and kind is kind

Life is extremely complicated.

The nature of life is to grow.

Life is a party. Dress for it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is a sport...drink it up.

Everything in life is theater.

Life is to short to be little.

Life is supposed to get tough.

Life is a wondrous phenomenon.

Everything in life is elusive.

The meaning of life is to see.

Life is short and art is long.

Life is about Being & Becoming.

Life is a series of recoveries.

The examined life is no picnic.

Life is a great disappointment.

The point of life is happiness.

Life is an adventure or nothing

Life is a glorious opportunity.

Life is weather. Life is meals.

Life is short, death is forever

My life is not my own business.

Sometimes life is truly woeful.

Every loss of life is terrible.

Everything in life is relative.

Life is made up of compromises.

Life is a school of the spirit.

Let your life be your argument.

Brief life is here our portion.

Life is too short to be serious

Life is the offspring of death.

Life is long. But it goes fast.

My aim in life is not to judge.

Part of my life is saving life.

Life is hard, and then you die.

Each second of life is a miracle

My biggest fear in life is fear.

Everything in life is vibration.

Life is a picnic on a precipice.

A simple life is its own reward.

Life is short. Eternity is long.

My life is a glorious adventure.

Your life is big. Keep reaching.

Life is fired at us point blank.

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