Every time I get something under control in my own life, the world provides more material.

Don't ever in your life do a World Cup and the Olympic Games at the same time. This will make your life almost impossible.

Life, and the world, sometimes just kinda click, and things just happen. You're chasing it, but it finds you at the same time.

I can't wait to see The Grinch. It's so out of the world. Every time a movie like that comes out, I'm stoked. It's like real life.

I look so fondly back on that time in my life when you first got an agent and you were in your mid-twenties and the world was your oyster.

The whole world, it's a problem that there's too much stuff being produced. We don't have time to reflect on the important things in life.

A fine book, in the perfect setting, when there's all the time in the world to read it: Life holds greater joys, but none come to mind just now.

On a cosmic scale, our life is insignificant, yet this brief period when we appear in the world is the time in which all meaningful questions arise.

The worst pain in the world is shame. I spend a lot of time trying to not do anything bad to anyone, but you can't live your life and not hurt people.

Two things are going on at the same time with the flattening of the world: The relentless quest for efficiency is squeezing some of the fat out of life.

Celebrities are under pressure to perform all the time. You are in front of a camera all the time, and it is difficult to lead a life in the world of glamour.

I'm so glad to have Xbox as a franchise, especially at a time when gaming is becoming even more important - as a digital life category and in the mobile world.

It's a wonderful time when you sit down around the table for dinner and discuss life. No matter where you are, it gives the semblance of normalcy to my crazy world.

You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.

Growing up, you have all these ideas, and then you're confronted and faced with the real world for the first time. And you have to think of what you want your life to be.

The world was not created once and for all time for each of us individually. There are added to it in the course of our life things of which we have never had any suspicion.

I had done some small-sketch stuff in college, and at that time, Tina Fey was becoming a heavy influence on my life and my world. I decided I wanted to do what she was doing.

I'd like to pay tribute to what are unquestionably the world's greatest fans. They are very loyal and very rabid. And I had the time of my life when I played in front of them.

Every time I play 'Part of Your World,' a whole part of my life comes back to me. It's just inescapable - it was an innocent time, and a sense of discovery that we were all involved with.

Pro athletes, how they go through the world is so elevated. The bubble they're in is one of entitlement. And that starts young. By the time they're in college, they've had it a lot of their life.

When you're a child, it's easy to see school as the worst thing in the world. It's only later in life you realise what a wonderful time it was. Looking back, I can't believe I even wanted to leave.

Every mother in the world knows this feeling one day... of emptiness, a time comes where you feel a little less useful because you're no longer running left and right. Life no longer has the same rhythm.

I went to Disney World for the first time, and I got an ice cream cone. The kid at the booth recognized me and started tweeting... It was the first time in my life someone handed me ice cream for acting.

My favorite time in the cycles of public life is the time when the Pope is dead and they haven't elected a new one. There's no one in the world who is infallible for those weeks. And you know, I don't miss it.

For the first time in my life, I want the right to get married. I've met somebody who meets the criteria of what I've always imagined in and wanted from a partner - someone to marry and to bring children into the world with.

The iPad is creating a new format for reading content. One of the things that's happening as a result is the world of personalized news aggregators, which is a category that's been around for quite some time, is getting new life.

As a kid, I spent an awful lot of time pretending I was somebody else. I think growing up in the 1980s wasn't very exciting so you kind of create this secret life of an alternate person. You pretend to be whatever you need to be that day, so you live in that dream world.

I think people are turning inward more now cause the world's got in such a weird, crazy state. I think its making people think more about their life and what it is really that they are doing. And how do we interact with a world that's going crazy? It's a very important time.

There comes a point in your life when you realize how quickly time goes by, and how quickly it has gone. Then it really speeds up exponentially. With that, I think you start to put a lot of things into context; you start to see how huge the world is, and really, the universe.

It is very essential for people to spend time with themselves. It is also about understanding the importance of co-existence... where humans co-exist with the animals and all living elements. It is important for humans to understand that and not take life or the world for granted.

My life changed completely. It's crazy now. It's kind of gone from striving and wondering and being confused and being lost to just feeling like the most blessed person in the world - just happy to wake up every day, happy to get on a plane every time. Just couldn't be happier with life, really.

I always tell people I'm grateful for my cancer diagnosis because it was the greatest gift because it completely changed my life. I was able to stop and let my whole life and world just crash over me like a wave. And I stood there and went, 'Wow.' And for the first time, I stopped everything. I had to.

When my father died, I had millions of people supporting me in a very, very difficult time. I have received so much from this country. I realize that we're defined in life not by what we get from this world but by what we have to offer it, and I know that I have a lot to offer this country, and I'm serious about devoting my life to it.

I think about life and death a lot. For the longest time I thought this was it, but then I thought maybe reincarnation does exist and we will all come back. My new thought is either of these could be true, but realistically what is going to happen is when you are dead you are not going to know you are dead, so it's not the end of the world.

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