I love the locker room.

It's just good to be back in the locker room.

I'm very close to every girl in the locker room.

Donald Trump is a divisive name in a locker room.

No one knows what to say in the loser's locker room.

Matches are won and lost so many times in the locker room.

I'm comfortable in the locker room situation, so whatever.

It's football, you know the locker room is going to change.

You can't be in the locker room reading 'League of Denial.'

I don't like taking showers in the locker room after a match.

Players are smart. That locker room knows. So don't hide anything.

Our biggest thing in the locker room is to just have fun and stay loose.

The internet is like a gossipy girls' locker room after school, isn't it?

At Wimbledon there is a golf putting machine to play on in the locker room.

I'm used to locker room banter, and I can have fun with that side of things.

I always try to look at kids like I'm in the locker room, and I'm a teammate.

It's certainly a different feel in the locker room after the game when you win.

We want people that fit in our locker room. As I said, it's all about teamwork.

I don't ever want to come in the locker room and have players in there pouting.

I miss being in the locker room with all my buddies. That, to me, was so much fun.

All good sports reporters know that the best stories are in the loser's locker room.

I know what a championship locker room looks like, what a championship team requires.

I'm going to be someone who smiles and brings joy to the locker room and to the field.

The business is my life, the ring my salvation, the locker room and roads my nourishment.

The locker room I don't think is a huge place for guys to really, you know, talk politics.

That's something that's so often overlooked in this game - the dynamics of the locker room.

My teammate Torii Hunter taught me how to lead and provide encouragement to the locker room.

The last thing you want to see is your great players in the press box or in the locker room.

When the locker room needing shaking up, I did it. I remained myself, a leader, until the end.

To me, Roman Reigns was WWE's version of Superman, and he was our locker room leader on 'Raw.'

I came into Impact and I ran through the entire Knockouts locker room just like I said I would.

I don't believe that playing video games in the locker room is part of earning the right to win.

I don't spend a lot of my time in the locker room. That's my least favourite place in the world.

Before turning pro, I would never have just left my skates sitting in the locker room unattended.

I've never dealt with really anything negative in the WWE as a whole, in the locker room, anything.

Once I get into the locker room, I turn on stuff to get me hyped up. Mainly, it's a lot of rap music.

All it takes is one guy to change a locker room. To change the complexity or nature of an atmosphere.

My teammates, they kid me all the time. My nickname is the doctor or the president in the locker room.

When you're in the Ring of Honor locker room, you feel like something special is happening every night.

I am not one of these guys that looks to the locker room and points fingers. That has never been my MO.

I am no prude, but when I watch comedy, I ask myself, 'Who wrote this? A teenage boy in the locker room?'

Our locker room is so positive. We are all focused on the same objectives, and that's equality for women.

There's a respect factor in filmmaking, like in sports, where certain things are kept in the locker room.

Frankly I've been in these situations where the locker room wasn't good. That's really the worst of times.

I think the locker room gives you tough skin and that can only help in every aspect of life, not just in WWE.

When you're looking from the outside looking in, you don't know what's in the locker room until you get there.

Going into a locker room that's not even yours to begin with is certainly like you're entering the lion's den.

I love team environments, like the Celtics, the Bruins. I love going into the locker room and meeting these guys.

I'm always teasing and clowning around and laughing and in the locker room I tend to always have something to say.

Everyone wants to be close to your team. You don't want to have guys that don't feel comfortable in the locker room.

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