Logistics is the ball and chain of armored warfare.

People don't understand the logistics of advertising.

Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics.

Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics.

I don't really know the logistics of a Soundcloud rapper.

I've never presented. The logistics of that is a challenge.

The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics

Covering Africa is 80 percent logistics and 20 percent reporting.

Amateurs do tactics, experts do logistics, as we learn in the military.

There's nobody who has as big of a real-time logistics network than Uber.

People who have gone through trauma need help with logistics in the short term.

The tactics...no, amateurs discuss tactics,.... Professional soldiers study logistics.

My ideas tend to be either really big in terms of like, the logistics, or really small.

Movie logistics never really allow you to do anything but shoot the way the budget dictates.

What we like to say is that the vision for Uber is the cross between lifestyle and logistics.

There is far more to transitioning in the public eye than money, public relations, and logistics.

The positive side about dealing with the logistics of moving books around is that it's better than a gym!

My logisticians are a humorless lot ... they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.

EBay gave me the framework to discover I was an e-commerce entrepreneur. I touched everything, from shipping to logistics.

As I said back in 1984, the idea of logistics is not only about oil, about ammunitions and supplies but also about images.

We have wide-ranging joint projects in the nuclear energy sphere, logistics, machine building and trade as a whole [with China].

Adani Enterprises is well on track to realize its aim of emerging as India's largest private sector energy and logistics conglomerate.

We like to think of Uber as the cross between lifestyle and logistics, where lifestyle is what you want and logistics is how you get it there.

Not only can AI improve civilian safety, it will vastly improve battlefield logistics, creating better scenarios for men and women in uniform.

A band requires so much rehearsal and travel logistics. I didn't mind it when I was younger, but there's not much motivation for me to do it now.

People don't understand the logistics of advertising. To have the ads purchased and run, you need to have a series of products that work together.

Real estate deals a lot with the government. It isn't like manufacturing, logistics, home appliances or the auto sector, which deal with consumers.

One of the strengths of Adani is that, because we are controlling mines, ships, ports and logistics, we are the cheapest solution provider for end users.

Cops and robbers resemble each other, so there's not a lot to learn in terms of learning the logistics of committing the crime or investigating the crime.

I've always set my stories in places I know well. It frees me up to spend more imaginative time on the characters if I'm not worrying about the logistics.

Motherhood is wonderful, but it's also hard work. It's the logistics more than anything. You discover you have reserves of energy you didn't know you had.

Supermarket companies are big logistics companies, and one of the ways we've increased profitability in the past is by re-evaluating how they do logistics.

This is a once in a lifetime event. It is very rare to remove 86% of the currency in circulation in one go. The logistics of such an operation are mammoth.

While air bases and logistics hubs remain important, the Cold War-style garrisoning of troops makes less military and fiscal sense than it did in the 1970s.

Today's leading real-world retailer, Wal-Mart, uses software to power its logistics and distribution capabilities, which it has used to crush its competition.

As someone who flew two space capsules and twice landed in the ocean, I can attest from personal experience how much logistics work is needed to get you home.

In the past, I had the marketing know how to get people to talk about my products, but I didn't have the infrastructure or logistics to fulfill the demand properly.

I actually think it's better I started by being close to customers. That foundation early on helped me later when I went into logistics and other kinds of management.

As always, we start off with asking, 'What's a good episode?' We don't think about timing, and we don't think about logistics. We just think about what would be good.

I think every year we get better at running BlizzCon. The scale of the event is so large and I think people appreciate the logistics involved in putting on such an event.

People say, 'Dream big!' - but you have to think about the logistics. It's not just coming up with a great idea; it's how you can sell or market or promote that great idea.

My father was the nurturing one, the one who always made sure my sister and I ate properly and that our hair was brushed... He really took care of the logistics of our upbringing.

All that Rent the Runway has really done is we've opened up the technology and logistics to make it possible to have the customer decide how long she needs an article of clothing for.

There is a lot of work just in terms of traveling and logistics and people and gear and all that kind of stuff. But I never really have problems playing music. That never seems like work.

TV journalism is a much more collaborative, horizontal business than print reporting. It has to be, because of the logistics. Anchors are wholly dependent on producers to do all the hustling

Being in the consumer business helps us groom talent in areas like marketing, finance and logistics. We can benchmark our outsourcing business to our consumer business and its best practices.

TV journalism is a much more collaborative, horizontal business than print reporting. It has to be, because of the logistics. Anchors are wholly dependent on producers to do all the hustling.

Know when to email vs. when to meet. Logistics are best handled over a non-immediate communication channel like email or Asana tasks. Detailed status meetings will suck the life out of your day.

WrestleMania is a week-long series of events, and the logistics of executing that week along with the week leading into it and the week after it are extraordinarily difficult in our own back yard.

I do not question the power of our weapons and the efficiency of our logistics; I cannot say these things delight me as they seem to delight some of our officials, but they are certainly impressive.

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