My every day look would be mascara, blush and a little bit of lip balm.

I spent every day just praying that I didn't look like a big dork on camera.

I don't want to look like Daisy Duke every day. I don't want to wear a bathing suit every day.

I look fashionable every day. And the pendulum swings between more, or less, edgy when I'm with bankers.

When you look at a mayor, Americans see mayors favorably. We are at the front line of what Americans are dealing with every day.

The way I look at it, every day that I'm moving forward is a day I'm not moving backward. Just the fact that I'm in the race at all is a miracle.

I jog every day, but I haven't had plastic surgery - though that's not to say if one day I look in the mirror and go 'Ugh!' I won't have something done.

I got my dailies every day, although I couldn't always look at them because I was usually preparing for the next day's shoot, both as an actress and as the director.

I try not to look at my schedule for the week because I'll get so overwhelmed. Every day, there are multiple things to be done and 10 things I don't end up accomplishing.

I like SF environments that seem used, and lived in, every day; not just rolled off a props truck. Look around you! Everything is scuffed, scratched, dinged, faded, even rusty.

If a website has something I should know, somebody is spinning it around Twitter and I'll see it there. Before I would look at Huffington Post and Slate every day, now I follow them on Twitter.

When we think of misdirection, we think of something as looking off to the side when, actually, the things right in front of us are often the hardest to see: the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.

My show on MTV, as outrageous as it was, it was also making a point, which was, 'Look at what we're doing here. This is something that you don't see on television every day, because you're not allowed to do this on television.'

I don't think that one should beat himself or herself over the head if immediately you're not like Jesus Christ or, you know, Gandhi or whoever. But I think the idea is to... to look at those examples and try to... try to operate in a way that every day you live or every interaction you have pushes you further along to operating with that mindset.

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