Moscow is a huge inspiration for me. I love what I find here, I love being here.

For me, I love to dream big, and I love to find ways to be a bit of an explorer.

I love board games. You'll find me enjoying board-game nights rather than out at a bar.

I love dialects and accents; they're something that really resonate with me and that I find fascinating.

For me, the romantic comedies I love are the ones that pay homage to the genre, but also find their ways to twist it and tweak it.

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.

In my downtime, you'll mostly find me curled up with a book. I love reading biographies. My favourites are those of Dalai Lama, Osama Bin Laden, and Einstein.

For me, I love to dream big, and I love to find ways to be a bit of an explorer. These days, it seems like everything is padded and comes with warning labels.

Somewhere I just want to find someone that's going to love me forever no matter what; I want someone to show the inside of my head to. That thought keeps me going.

When I started out at about 19, 20, it took me two years just to tell the difference between a jig and a reel. It does all sound the same, but what you can find once you go in - it's never-ending. So that's my love.

Yes - I agree that 'Love Foolish' is very similar to 'Make Me Go,' however, the message is different. 'Love Foolish' follows a story of someone who falls in love, whereas, 'Make Me Go' is a story of someone who wants to find love!

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