I love the spy genre.

Vampires are a genre now.

I don't write to a genre.

I'm a writer, not a genre.

Literature precedes genre.

I love mixing up my genres.

The space genre is timeless.

My favorite genre is comedy.

Grime must be its own genre.

Reggaeton is a global genre.

Fantasy is a demanding genre.

Life isn't divided into genres

I love film, any kind of genre.

I am self-educated from genre books.

I don't consider genre while writing.

Animation is a technique, not a genre.

Im a huge fan of the James Bond genre.

I came late to the genre of folk music.

Science fiction still is an idea genre.

It's crazy to close doors to any genres.

I don't like to label films with a genre.

I'm a huge fan of the 'James Bond' genre.

I try not to discriminate against genres.

I have the death sentence in seven genres.

It doesn't matter to me what the genre is.

Comedy is not my first go-to sort of genre.

Form ossifies into genre through repetition.

I love action films. It's my favorite genre.

I have no problem with television as a genre.

I read a lot - and I read a variety of genres.

I never excluded any genre on my first record.

I've never been a particular fan of any genre.

Ah, genre. A word only a Frenchman could love.

My focus is to not focus too much on one genre.

Writing is a struggle no matter what the genre.

I think I'm sort of locked into the sitcom genre

Know your genre. Know your history. Read a book.

I'm not loyal to one genre. I want to mix it up.

Autobiography is a genre notorious for falsehood.

I think I'm sort of locked into the sitcom genre.

Critics tend to be very hard on the horror genre.

I love the idea that all genres can have subsets.

Genres pop up and get hot and then they die down.

Genre aside, I'd like to make a film about people.

It's almost like a genre rule: Don't Open The Box.

I don't approach films purely in context of genre.

I don't like to classify my own tracks as a genre.

The crime novel has always been my favourite genre.

Defying genre conventions is instantly a risky move.

I love the essay. It's my favorite genre to work in.

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