I have busy nights.

I am awake a lot of nights.

Sunday nights are my favourite.

I miss the summer nights in Dallas.

I hate being recognised on nights out.

I have had my fair share of nights out.

56 Nights' one of the best mixtapes ever.

I have sleepless nights before press days.

Anfield comes alive on big European nights.

I don't do the same show on any two nights.

The European nights at Anfield are brilliant.

I miss London on nights in June or in October.

I go to more open mic nights than open mikers.

Sometimes our date nights are just spontaneous.

I spend upwards of 200 nights a year on the road.

I do have the roller skates from 'Boogie Nights.'

Tuesday nights are sushi nights, so we go out then.

Sleepless nights I'm not a big fan of to be honest.

We stitch together our days and edit out our nights.

Our days and nights have sorrows woven with delights.

Anfield is a unique place to play on European nights.

I had one of the best nights of my life at Mardi Gras.

I was very happy working in 'Comedy Nights' with Kapil.

I'm going to have some fabulous nights out with champagne.

It's kind of like Silence of the lambs meets Boogey Nights.

I just waited tables three nights a week to cover the bases.

I don't spend sleepless nights over getting very bad reviews.

Most nights I end up wearing a wife beater T-shirt and boxers.

I became popular as Bua because of 'Comedy Nights with Kapil.'

Some nights you walk off stage and go 'That was a good crowd.'

Everybody is going to have tough shooting nights. It's natural.

Some nights, I was so good that I could have become an egotist.

I don't have a perfect meal on the table most nights. Any night!

Something attempted, something done, Has earned a nights repose.

We had some glorious nights at Goodison and the fans were superb.

I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets.

There's no off nights. When you think it's an off night, it's not.

If I come to Aspen for one or two nights, I stay at the St. Regis.

I want it all: I want the attention and live for the glory nights.

I usually stay in on Sunday nights. I'm not much of a party person.

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.

I'm kind of boring - I like to watch the 'Newshour' on Friday nights.

I spend roughly two out of every three nights at my house in Indiana.

I needed to entertain myself at home nights... I got a jar of bubbles.

'Blue Nights' is a story of loss: simple, wrenching, inconsolable loss.

I hope that if you're cooking two nights a week, you can try for three.

Most nights, I'm happy to stay at home with a DVD and a bowl of lettuce.

There are certain nights you and your image just aren't in the same bed.

I like to get more than my normal 10 hours of sleep nights before a game.

The big gay clubs like Heaven started having mixed nights in the late '80s.

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