People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy.

I just like to sing for people who have lost love.

I'm a firm believer in people who love what they do.

The only queer people are those who don't love anybody.

I love working with people who are inspired and obsessive.

There are very religious people who write comics and who love comics.

People who truly love their lives are the most inspiring people of all.

Love cures people - both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.

I don't have too many friends. I have only a few people who I really love.

People are people, regardless of who they love or what gender they relate to.

I love to pop up at the movie theaters. I love to treat the people who are there.

People should have their rights to be who they want to be and love who they want to love.

I love painting. I love writing. I love creating and being around people who are creating.

I love pulling people into concert halls who might not otherwise go and getting their ears tuned.

Are there a million people out there who would love a Joey Cook album? I think there probably are.

The people who love my paintings, that respond to them the most, they're spectators, they're not viewers.

There are very few people who are not ashamed of having been in love when they no longer love each other.

It's neat seeing people that aren't necessarily part of my demographic who really get the jokes. I love it.

I learned early on not to listen to either critique - the people who love you or the people who don't like you.

The only kind of people who pursue stop-motion as a career are people who are absolutely in love with the medium.

I root for people who I think authentically love each other and have each other's backs, and there's no questioning that.

I love how British people call Asian people 'oriental' unless they're talking about Indian people, who get to be called Asian.

I don't expect a lot of people who love drag to also be like, 'I love 'Drag Race,' and then I got to hear my Chris Stapleton album.' Not necessarily an obvious crossover.

I love that thing on Amazon that you can go on and order a book, and you click on it and it says, 'You might also like,' or 'Other people who bought this have bought that.'

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