I write love songs!

I like to sing love songs.

I think I drift toward sad love songs.

I love songs with a lot of confidence.

I love songs. Songs are my favorite things.

I love songs that are very autobiographical.

Everybody should start listening to love songs.

I don't really have the voice for love songs, do I?

Politics are always involved, even in my love songs.

I like 'love' songs, however cheesy that might sound.

I love songs that have a rocking and grooving feeling.

I know for works for me - those wonderful sad love songs.

I like writing love songs. I really like romantic poetry.

My contribution is the romance and the warmth. The love songs.

I love songs that people can dance to and enjoy at the same time.

In the past, I never wrote any love songs. That was not my thing.

I don't know why, but I don't fancy writing love songs; I never have.

I love songs, Patty Larkin, Sharon Stone, Mae West, and Marilyn Monroe.

Love songs are the most complex to write because everyone knows about it.

I love songs that tell stories. They make you feel something, something real.

I love songs that create moments that are very personal and that tell a story.

'The Boatman's Call' is amazing; it's an album of love songs, really beautiful.

Love songs are one of the great essences of life, the only thing that's lasting.

Love songs just kind of come out very naturally, me being a very romantic person.

Love songs are helpful. We've always needed as much love as we could possibly need.

I didn't want my last chapter to be the guy who sits at the piano and sings love songs.

I'm definitely not a super great guitarist. Ultimately, I just write a lot of love songs.

All my favorite songs ever are love songs. Probably topped by 'The Luckiest' by Ben Folds.

I wanted to show that pop music can be about something else other than the big love songs.

I love songs, so when you're song-based, it doesn't matter which way the production leans.

There are enough really good love songs and I don't even know if I could write one if I tried.

I wanted to show people that I don't just make love songs that are about purely being in love.

I think when I was younger I was not very good at writing love songs that didn't have a twist.

I love love songs. But I love pop music as well: Girls Aloud, Kylie, the Spice Girls, East 17, Mika.

I love songs with, like, six or seven or eight different things going on at once, and that's just me.

I had made all these rules for myself: I'm not writing social commentary, I'm not writing love songs.

We don't like preaching, we don't like love songs, we don't like fun songs. We just like the dark side.

I am going to sing lesbian love songs and support gay rights no matter what. The rest is public relations.

Singing was probably my first love, and song writing. I write a lot of love songs and heartbreaking songs.

Love songs too have many moods. It can be sad or be joyous and upbeat when one feels jubilant and in love.

See, I'm a Pisces, so I get down with love songs. I'm totally into slow jams and old-school R&B, all that.

I'm really a singer, so I love songs and I love singing. I like rap music, but I didn't grow up freestyling.

If you observe, all classic love songs have a tinge of melancholy that comes naturally with the composition.

Because of who I am, and how open I am, there's something inherently political about just writing love songs.

There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another.

Bob Marley was one of my favourite artists. He sang politically conscious lyrics, yet he sang love songs, too.

People will remember a good comedy song a lot longer than they would some of the so-called straight love songs.

I've always been known for making socially conscious music in the midst of the love songs and the bedroom songs.

So, anyway, I think the format of love songs for me stopped becoming about people and started becoming about life.

I am an incurable romantic. I am even in love with the idea of being in love, and hence, I write a lot of love songs.

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