There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. ...

There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time!

I work out all the time. I love it.

I would love to work with the great movie actors of our time.

Emmanuel Lewis was amazing to work with. I'll love that guy to the end of time.

Doing voice-over work is something that I love to do, and it is a lot of fun at the same time.

I have, for a very long time, been a huge admirer of Marilynne Robinson, whose work I just love.

Laziness in my biggest pet peeve of all time. Get up, make a plan, do the work, and love yourself, people!

I always wanted to work with Betty White, because she is one of my heroes of all time, and I just love her.

I think it's important to love what you do and have a good time with it. I go to work every day and have a blast.

I think love is something that you have to work on, and it develops over experience and time. Love is a practice.

For a long time, I'd work until 10 or 11. When I work, I'm on. I'm 'Magic.' I love it, but it takes a lot out of me.

Most of the time, we fantasise about our love lives and partners, but don't put in enough work enough to fulfil them.

Eddie Marsan is just my favourite actor of all time. I love everything he's been in, so it's a dream come true to work with him.

I did not come to PSG to have a good time, but to work with humility, desire and above all to win titles because that's what we love.

I am a hopeless romantic who falls in lust and gets in trouble. I love my work and am very productive, yet I always find time to play.

I love eggs and toast, and my friends and I will always get table pancakes to share. Then, in the afternoon, it's time to work it off!

I like producing, but I don't love it. I love acting. I got into producing because I had a bad time in 1989 when no work was coming in.

Most good work is a combination of parts you love and parts you could do better. My constant mantra is, 'Next time, next time, next time.'

I love acting. When I'm acting I feel like I'm on vacation. I'm just having a wonderful time. The nightmare is just getting the work to happen.

I think about that all of the time and I have this fantasy that I am going to work at a museum someday! I would love to do something like that!

I really love being in a room and developing work.: being at the table, looking at the script for the first time, and putting a story on its feet.

I like to play music and sleep. But most of all, I love to work... I don't really play sports, so I like to spend my time playing guitar or piano.

I set myself challenges every time I work. Ideally, I approach everything as though it's the first time - with a beginner's mind and an amateur's love.

I love to be busy. I'm envious of people who are able to take their spare time and relax. All I like to do is work. Perhaps it's lingering Calvinist guilt?

I'll probably stick to comedy for the time being. I mean, a great piece of work is a great piece of work, and I'm up for good work anytime. But I do love comedy!

I'm not angry with Axl anymore. I love him and I feel blessed that I got to work with him and achieve what I achieved with him. I guess time does heal all wounds.

But it's the love of audience that encourages you to try out better things each time and I feel elated that I have the opportunity to work across so many languages.

Yes, when the time comes for me to hang up my boots, I would love to stay and work with the City coaching staff. It would be great to give something back like that.

My work enables me to meet various artistes in the West, be it Rachel Weisz or Marion Cotillard. But the only time I was star struck was when I met SRK. I love his work.

I love the sitcom schedule. It takes a week to make an episode, but we don't work on weekends. I'm usually done in time to get home for dinner with my wife and daughter.

I love hard work. 'One Man, Two Guvnors' was so physically tiring I ached all the time, but I took a massive amount of pride in the fact that I only ever missed two shows.

I love my home, spend as much time in London as I can, and try wherever possible to avoid travelling for work. Sometimes I think I'm really badly equipped to be an actress.

I love being an illustrator because I get to read really great stories, work with amazing people, travel and see places I never would've seen. And I get to draw all the time.

What I love about my work is the variety and not knowing what's coming next, and being able to embrace something for a period of time and know something new is going to follow.

I would love to work with Pendleton Ward who created 'Adventure Time,' and I'm dying to work with Ryan Murphy. I'm obsessed with 'American Horror Story' and everything he does.

There's not much time to unwind, but you know what, it's because I love what I do. I look forward to the season. I look forward to playing games. It doesn't ever feel like work.

When I look at my own work, I see love, loss, and loneliness. Part of it might be that I was an army brat. I moved around all the time. There was a sense of nothing being permanent.

Stan Van Gundy is something else. He's the guy that you come to love. You get around him and he's a very personable guy, but when it's time to work, you don't want to mess with him.

I'd love to work in a restaurant. You get to meet new people all the time and constantly socialize. There are no dull moments when you're serving. It would definitely be a fun job to have.

There was a time when a studio executive would really love something and have no proof at all that it would work and just do it because they believed in it. That's how 'Star Wars' happened.

My job is never boring. It's always new, exciting, and challenging, and I get a rush every time I go to work. I'm the luckiest person on the planet to be able to do what I love for a living.

I've noticed that, over time, the intensity of my workouts is so high that I can get away with eating whatever I want. And I love eating a lot. So if I wanna eat more, I'll just work harder.

Larry Kasdan has made some of my favorite movies of all time so just to be working with him was a pleasure. Now that I have, I not only respect his work but I just love and respect him as a person.

There is an endless range of parts I have not played. I would love to do a whole slew of period pieces. I also used to do a lot of stage work, and I would like to go back to that from time to time.

Be generous with your time and money - it has an amazingly fast payback. Be in the moment with everyone you love - and this frequently means tuning out work completely. And drive slow in parking lots.

People don't value strongly enough how much time they spend in the office. Imagine you could work with people you love - wouldn't work be great and staff turnover be lower? And your productivity higher?

I wish Americans thought more like Europeans when it comes to money and work. They take time off, they do what they love. We think work is the most valued commodity. Really the most valued commodity is time.

No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country. At the same time, that does not mean we just flat out open our borders. We can't do that.

I retire every time I'm done with a movie. Then I go back. You know, I enjoy sleep. But I love to work; it's fun for me. As long as it continues to be fun, and I'm tolerated by the people around me, I will do it.

I'm the kind of person who, if I were living in another time, if I had to pick any time, I would probably be a pioneer. I just love the simplicity of what it means to work hard with your hands - to eat and survive.

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