I'm very low-key.

I'm just a low-key guy.

I live a very low-key life.

I'm generally a low-key guy.

I'm low-key. I like my privacy.

I'm very, very low-key in general.

I absolutely love low-key restaurants.

Parties are not my thing; I keep it low-key.

I'm pretty low-key and try to do fun things.

It's low-key depressing when you're not winning.

Large audiences did not suit my low-key approach.

I really like to live my life in a low-key fashion.

In life, I'm pretty low-key and quite non-descript.

I'm much more low-key than the characters I've played.

Some of your worst gangsters are guys who were very low-key.

Sometimes it's more difficult to do very simple, low-key films.

I am a low-key girl from a middle-class family of a small village.

I'm pretty low-key. I travel fairly light, especially on the tour.

I'm a very low-key person, but for some reason, I like to act out.

By nature, I am a low-key person and like being behind the camera.

I'm quite low-key - Isabel Marant is one of my favourite designers.

I've never been a big nightlife person. I have a pretty low-key life.

Jennifer Aniston is one of the most down-to-earth, low-key people I know.

Heather and I decided we were going to be pretty low-key at the convention.

I'm pretty low-key; you'll often find me in jeans, a T-shirt and sweatshirt.

You can take care of your body, and it will low-key show you respect in turn.

I think as an author every character ends up low-key being some kind of self-insert.

I'm a pretty low-key North Carolina boy. I like to go fishing and hang out with my friends.

I wear hats and hoodies so it's kind of hard to see me. I stay low-key. That's the way I am.

When we do get a little time off, I tend to watch movies, go to dinners, and keep it low-key.

When I was young, I wanted to do something more low-key, like become a drummer in a rock band.

Employing a low-key, Midwestern charisma, Mike Pence proved he knows how to win over an audience.

It's fun to play dress up for work, but when you have those off-days, it's nice to just be low-key.

I'm sort of East Coast, so I like the off-white and the navy blues and the low-key preppy kind of thing.

People at school knew I sang and that this was what I was gonna do, but I was pretty private and low-key.

I think most people see me as a glamorous type of person, and at the end of the day, I'm more just a low-key mom.

I'm a low-key guy. So I like going to places and not being known. So it's weird when people are saying, 'Oh, it's you.'

The Kevin Abstract project kind of represents being socially awkward in high school, which I'm low-key kind of tired of.

My outfits also need to be low-key. I'm a huge fan of boots, sandals, jeans and tank tops! Anything I can move in easily.

Onstage, I channel my inner goddess. Everyday Jillian is definitely more low-key: jeans and a crop top with a sneaker or boot.

In real life I'm very low-key. A wallflower. One of the reasons I went into comedy and acting was that I was sick of being shy.

One important reason to stay calm is that calm parents hear more. Low-key, accepting parents are the ones whose children keep talking.

As beautiful as Oklahoma is, it doesn't have big lights and none of that. But that's fine... I'm a low-maintenance, low-key, chill guy.

So I would like my wedding day to be low-key. And maybe I would not wear a wedding dress but something chic and simple, like vintage Chanel.

Our kids are in a little band, and they like to play video games, and my wife and I do our best to live a low-key, non-Hollywood kind of life.

My public image is so low-key, but I get to travel the world and still have an audience and it's really amazing. I don't take that for granted.

I've got a very behind-the-scenes personality. I don't know how I became a performer. I like to stay discreet, out of the public eye, very low-key.

My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me.

Britain's passion for Christmas and huge white weddings dates from Victorian times - both were low-key celebrations before Victoria and her PR machine.

People will speak slowly to me sometimes. And they always ask me if I'm all right, because I'm much more low-key and reserved than my character in 'Friends'.

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