We're charging what we're worth and we don't think we're worth $22.50. We take a lower cut than Pearl Jam.

My dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids' parties.

The Swiss Ball Pike is a total-body exercise that is especially great for your core, arms, and lower back.

Thinking in its lower grades, is comparable to paper money, and in its higher forms it is a kind of poetry.

Average real wages in Mexican manufacturing are lower than they were 10 years ago, if you can believe that.

I don't believe in elitism. I don't think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience.

For origin and development of human faculty we must look to these processes of association in lower animals.

When an actress is younger, she likes to lower her age, but when she is older, she likes to add to her years.

There's no miracle formula but we have to move towards a lower carbon economy. We don't have any other choice.

Simply calling your credit card issuer and asking them to lower your interest rate may yield immediate savings.

We vote for politicians with lower voices, it's true, because we associate depth with power and with authority.

Used games allow more people, specifically younger people, to become game fans because of the lower price point.

I'm always attracted to lower budget, not because it's lower budget, but because they tend to be better scripts.

I've been on every interstate highway in the lower forty-eight states by now, and I never get tired of the view.

If things don't go well, the manager is on his way because it's such a blow if you drop into the lower divisions.

Five hours a week of vigorous aerobic exercise can lower estrogen and progesterone exposure by about 20 per cent.

I hope that energy-efficient LED light bulbs will help reduce energy use and lower the cost of lighting worldwide.

Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations.

The more we reduce ourselves to machines in the lower things, the more force we shall set free to use in the higher.

Lower taxes, less government spending on domestic programs and fewer regulations mean a better economy for everybody.

The intelligence of the lower forms of animal life, like a great deal of human intelligence, does not involve a self.

The next time you see an outside day with a down close lower than the previous day, don't get scared, get ready to buy!

I prefer for government to err toward less regulation, lower taxation, and free markets. And I'm a radical free trader.

America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools, build on past successes, and lower college debt.

Clearly, we need to have the very best advice and counsel on what actions can be taken to help lower the cost of gasoline.

I got my boobs done because I wanted to even out my lower half, and I thought that would take the focus away from my hips.

Democracy is fatal for the arts; it leads only to chaos or the achievement of new and lower common denominators of quality.

Ironically, for the mega-rich, recession brings with it the ability to live well at a lower cost and with less of a hassle.

We should work with the principle that a work that can be done at a lower level should never be escalated to a higher level.

After 20 years in Congress, I still believe that smaller government and lower taxes are the most effective economic policies.

Shorts wager on price declines by selling shares that they have borrowed in the hope of buying them back at far lower prices.

Let the market, not politicians, determine the flow of rice, oil and other commodities. Lower, more stable prices will ensue.

You can have relatively high levels of class consciousness with a lower level of class militancy than one would have expected.

I haven't met a person who takes a statin drug to lower cholesterol that I can't get off a statin once I teach them how to eat.

Power is given only to those who dare to lower themselves and pick it up. Only one thing matters, one thing; to be able to dare!

I am for anyone that will give me lower taxes, stop all this stupid spending. Whoever promises me that gets this chicken's vote.

I think we can lower our emissions. I think the world will be better off if we did that, and we can do it without cap and trade.

I don't settle in any other area of my life when it comes to excellence, so why should I lower my standards when it comes to boys?

The one thing people seem to forget is the more oil we have, the lower the price and the lower the profits the oil companies make.

I have nothing against tricep kickbacks, but I'd rather have you do a skater's lunge with a kickback and get a lower body workout.

The sharecropper may lower his eyes, but not because he's less of a man. That's just a condition of society that such things exist.

Blog-based businesses have lower cost structures and are more 'authentic,' and as a result are drawing larger shares of ad budgets.

I went to this tattoo parlor in the East Village and I got an outline of a violin on my lower back. They call them tramp stamps now.

One of the easiest things to incorporate into your everyday life is plank exercises: great for your core, great for your lower back.

There is no one thoroughly despicable. We cannot descend much lower than an idiot; and an idiot has some advantages over a wise man.

I've never relegated the lip-synch to a lower form of entertainment. Lip-synching is an art unto itself. A lot of people can't do it.

We deserve quality jobs that pay a living wage, lower college tuition, action on climate change, and comprehensive immigration reform.

Inflation destroys savings, impedes planning, and discourages investment. That means less productivity and a lower standard of living.

James Brown is important because he decorates the clock correctly and he's good with lower mathematics. Don't get me wrong - he's good.

I think the millions of people who had been able to renegotiate their mortgages so they are paying lower interest rates are better off.

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