I think I'm a good lyricist.

I'm actually a true lyricist.

I'm not tryin' to come off as the best lyricist.

I don't want to work on a musical if I'm not the lyricist.

Howard Ashman was an amazing lyricist and an amazing artist.

As a lyricist, I'm really trying to raise my level of quality.

It was very difficult for me to be the only lyricist in the band.

I've never considered myself a lyricist, but I have stuff to say.

I think, with music, I'm a lyricist who talks about real life things.

I don't like to toot my own horn, but 'toot-toot.' I'm a lyricist f'real.

As a lyricist, you love to hear other great lyrics or other great concepts.

Leonard Cohen is probably the greatest lyricist for music that's ever lived, you know?

A lot of the great songwriters in history have been collaborators, with a separate lyricist.

Glenn Slater is my lyricist who, of the new young lyricists coming along, is the most exciting, I think.

I make a timeless music. I think I've made my mark as a lyricist and as an innovator and as a tastemaker.

We all try to increase our length of life, but we all have to pass. It's highly interesting as a lyricist.

What is so beautiful about a composer and a lyricist is that their job is to push a story along and not halt it.

You have to write some poetry, first of all, to decide if you can become a lyricist. I was born in a family of poets.

I didn't feel like I was allowed to be a songwriter. I thought I had to be a really intelligent lyricist, like a poet.

Manoj Muntashir is a fantastic lyricist of this generation and he has penned my indie number 'Ae Mere Dil' very nicely.

I am merely an amateur; being referred as a lyricist is a far fetched dream for me, and I feel I don't entirely deserve it yet.

You could be the best lyricist or rapper or songwriter, if you ain't mentally prepared to put in the work, it's a waste of time.

I feel like I really tapped into a pretty honest emotional place for myself as a lyricist. There's a broad spectrum of emotions.

Prabhu Deva has written the opening lines for a couple of songs in 'Vedi.' He's a great lyricist too and not many people know that.

I'm not a fast, stream-of-consciousness lyricist at all - I know some guys who are, and if there is one skill I wish I had, it's that.

It is a very serious consideration for a lyricist to step in there and suggest the meaning to a song. The music is speaking for itself.

One of the key emotions a lot of people seem to be feeling is disillusionment, and what I try to do as a lyricist is touch on these emotions.

In the 1990s music was a beautiful collaborative process between the composer, lyricist and director. They would exchange ideas and magic used to happen.

I don't consider myself just a rapper or just a singer. I'm a music producer, lyricist. I'm a poet as well, and acting is also a part of big entertainment.

Every revolutionary poet or lyricist has been criticised for something. If you come up with something new, there will always be people who will object to it.

I listened to a lot of Joni Mitchell in high school. She was sort of an inspiration to me. I think she's a great lyricist, and she makes interesting choices.

I have a fondness for words. On that note, I don't consider my lyrics to be all that great. I like to call myself a supplier of words rather than a lyricist.

I love a good lyricist - always have. The thing that inspired me most was the different performers, like Tina Turner, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Madonna, even Janet Jackson.

I was an underground rapper and only 16 years old, a freshman at high school. Bang thought I had potential as a rapper and lyricist, and we went from there. Then Suga joined us.

I feel like I want to write some songs and I don't know how to go about doing it. Usually it's the lyrics that are a problem, and I think I am not really cut out to be a lyricist.

Nothing against Nicki Minaj - I think she's a dope lyricist, and her body is perfect, along with a dope personality. But I'm more into a woman who's not so much into the spotlight.

'Lip Lock' is a play on words. It sounds flirty and fun. Also, my lips are one of my favorite features. Also, it's like, literally locking the game down with my words because I'm a lyricist.

I like songs to mean something as well as sound good, and Paul Simon is a maestro. While Art Garfunkel was a voice and moved on to other things Simon remained the genius lyricist and composer.

I think I'm alright as a lyricist, you know? But then what will happen every couple of months or so is that I'll hear a song I've never heard before and feel I've gone right back to square one.

As a songwriter, I was influenced by David Bowie - a great writer. A class above everybody in so many ways. Lennon and McCartney, of course. Class stuff. David Cousins was my favorite lyricist.

I don't sing melodically. Rhyme pattern is how I sing. I also write like a lyricist or an MC because that's what I was before I was a singer. I just took those elements and put them into music.

With a musical, you kind of have to do a mind-meld with the book-writer, the lyricist, the composer, the director - sometimes the producer. I think that's a reason why musicals are the hardest form.

I still recall how nervous I was when I went for the recording of 'Guzarish'… When I reached the studio, all of them were there - Rahman, Aamir Khan, lyricist Prasoon Joshi and director A.R. Murugadoss.

As a writer, as a lyricist, you're just trying to make sure that you're not repeating yourself. And that's a danger for a lot of people. So for me, I just try to keep taking corners and trying to find new paths.

Alan Jay Lerner needed a hit. The Broadway lyricist and librettist was a decade removed from his greatest successes when his partnership with composer Frederick Loewe produced something approaching unholy alchemy.

Sammy Davis, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett... their records sell in the millions; when I do it, it just trickles. But for the composer and lyricist, there's a tidy bit to be made that way, too, so I don't really mind.

If two-three films of mine release at the same time and if all of them feel like they are from the same lyricist then something is not quite right. The language of all has to be different if they are different stories.

Technically, 'Kukla, Fran and Ollie' was a kids' show, but adults watched almost religiously - and we're talking adult adults, celebrated adults - including James Thurber, Orson Welles, John Steinbeck, Adlai E. Stevenson and lyricist Stephen Sondheim.

Drake, I'd like to collaborate with. He's a phenomenal lyricist. Probably the best rapper in the world at the moment. I love Kanye but there's something about Drake; he's more straight up, really clever and really poetic and metaphorical - I love that. He's just clever.

As far as I'm concerned, collaboration is the essence of life. It's wonderful to be able to have talents, and, very often, we think that we know what our talents are, or we find out through a back door that we have a talent. I know that I found out I was a lyricist quite through a back door.

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