I love making up titles.

I am very into making up my own rules.

I remember making up songs in my head.

I was always really creative and making up stuff.

Like everybody, I'm making up my life as I go along.

I was always inventing characters and making up stories.

Flaws are awesome - so, flawsome! I love making up a word.

Flaws are awesome - so, 'flawsome!' I love making up a word.

I was the kind of kid who was always making up stories and adventures.

The philosopher ought never to try to avoid the duty of making up his mind.

Quarrels are a natural part of relationships. Making up is always the best part.

Feeling useful in medicine allows me to not feel so stupid when making up stories.

I have this guitar on which I occasionally kill time making up rock n' roll lyrics.

While we are making up our minds as to when we shall begin, the opportunity is lost.

I was always making up rhymes. But I never thought that poetry would become my life.

Dudes have been making up stuff about themselves probably since there have been dudes.

I have very vivid memories of my mom and dad making up batches of fake blood at night.

I'm alright with people making up stuff about me, but not when there's a woman involved.

When I was little, I used to spend a lot of time making up stories when I was put to bed.

There are two ways of lying. One, not telling the truth and the other, making up statistics.

But there's a big difference between, say, reporting on a story and simply making up a story.

I am essentially a middle-aged woman who likes making up weird snack combinations and galloping.

My siblings were a bit younger than me, and I was always entertaining them and making up stories.

I was never interested in 'making up' games when I was little. I wanted to create something real.

Words are the coins making up the currency of sentences, and there are always too many small coins.

I'm not a fan of people making up lies, and I do feel I owe it to people to know what the truth is.

I think a lot of composers get into trouble just making up a plot and expecting an audience to follow that.

With its population making up one fifth of the world's total, China offers a market with enormous potential.

Science has not been successful by making up explanations of things that fit with the current social fabric.

All writing is the same: It's just making up lies until it starts to sound like the truth. That's what I do.

I have been addicted to crime since I was born. I was making up crime stories when I was a 4- or 5-year-old kid.

You don't just decide to destroy a person by making up stuff, and no one at 'SNL' is writing to go after someone.

I hope when I take my last breath I haven't got any regrets, because I am making up for lost time with my family.

Some of my high school teachers did remind me that I had an excellent imagination when it came to making up excuses.

I guess I'm making up for my own lack of interest in my career by being so keenly interested in my husband's career.

I think we live in a country where self-mythology or making up legends about your own life is something everyone does.

I love making up visual works of art in language. I get to be an artist without actually being an artist in that sense.

I didn't play or like a lot of board games as a child. I liked playing with my G.I. Joes and making up adventures for them.

In making up stories, as in reading stories, I could create a contained world in which an experience is shared in its entirety.

Anyone who has a parent can relate to this idea of not quite understanding who your parents are or making up stories about them.

I'm not making up my mind about anything right now. Things are happening so quickly for me, and I'm still in the thinking stage.

People started saying I was ignoring my country, making up stories about me. Ludicrous things, like that I throw tea on my assistants.

God, newspapers have been making up stories forever. This kind of trifling and fooling around is not a function of the New Journalism.

As a kid, I liked making up stories, and I wrote a story about a kangaroo and a bat with Christy Chang, and she went on to become a surgeon.

The whole idea of spellbinding, of being an entertainer, being the center of the stage, making up words - that let me know that writing is nice.

I've always enjoyed making up stories, especially when I was bored and just sitting around. It got really serious after the children came along.

As an alcoholic, you have no appreciation for your wife or your children's feelings, but I'm making up for that now. I'm winning my children's trust back.

As far as subject matter, I'd say most of the songs aren't that personal to me. I love making up characters and kind of having fun in a different kind of way.

When I was small, my parents came back from Tijuana, and my dad bought me a very small acoustic guitar. I loved it. I started making up my own songs right away.

My idea of fun is to sit looking at a blank wall in a cottage, making up stories in utter silence. The thought of going back to work in an office is horrendous.

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