I'm an alpha male.

There's no male Oprah.

I'm the male Kate Moss.

I have a lot of male friends.

Everyone is into male grooming.

I have many close male friends.

I view myself as a male artist.

I had both male and female heroes.

I wanted to be a male ballet dancer.

I'm fascinated by male vulnerability.

The venture community is largely male.

I'm a strong alpha male but sensitive.

I'm an alpha male - what else can I say?

I've always had mostly gay male friends.

I believe that I am male and I am female.

Dad was the only adult male I ever trusted.

I have no prejudice against male or female.

Really, in a way, I took over the male role.

I retreat to my cave in a very male fashion.

The word 'excess' has no meaning for a male.

I'm attracted to male gestures and sexuality.

Most of my friends are male. Men are more fun.

Money speaks, but it speaks with a male voice.

Inside every adult male is a denied little boy.

My own favorite is something called Rogue Male.

What does America love more than one white male?

I had to work just as hard as my male colleagues.

The gay male is always going to be at the bottom.

All my staff is male and the same age group as me.

Male bonobos really don't fit the human male ideal.

I AM a male chauvinist. Who's been saying otherwise?

As a male designer, you always need a woman's touch.

I think male actors get confused by their own vanity.

I feel like I've exhausted guys and male friendships.

Male athletes don't get dropped when they father kids.

I like a strong male, a strong man. I like strong men.

I was a tomboy and most of my close friends were male.

Personally, I have never wished I were a male novelist.

That common cold of the male psyche, fear of commitment.

Even if you are divine, you don't disdain male consorts.

Being an actor, I've thought about being in the male gaze.

I have no issues with any co-star of mine, male or female.

I had an obsession that I was male characters from movies.

Anytime I am around a male body part it is kind of exiting.

It's great to be up for 'Best Newcomer' and 'Sexiest Male.'

For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

I think every red-blooded male enjoys brandishing a firearm.

What is male and what is female? I don't always feel female.

I think that every male actor fantasizes with a boxing film.

I absolutely refused to make out with the gorgeous male model.

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