I don't want a mercenary management team.

I work strategically with my management team to make all decisions.

A key to achieving success is to assemble a strong and stable management team.

I try to grow my management team as entrepreneurs, make the structure decentralized.

I've got a good backing behind me with my management team, and my family are all down to earth.

My mother works in a bank, and my dad is the head of my management team and also works in finance.

I would be ready to rejoin Nightwish if all the members of the band and the management team were changed.

I took on the role of CEO, which involves directing the Management Team and overall day-to-day operations of 500.

I don't even have a management team. I have people managing my work but there are limitations when it comes to projects.

Cipla has a strong professional management team, and we take team decisions. My brother has been working at Cipla since 1973.

My management team are all women. Most of the people at labels I liaise with are all women. It's pretty much all women all the time.

I have a clear bias for international, global experience. On my management team, everybody has two or three countries they've lived and worked in.

The executive moves we are announcing today will strengthen American for the long-term future and reflect well on the depth of the Company's management team.

When I came into the CEO office, I basically changed the entire management team. We knew that we had to change the company, so we needed a new set of leaders.

Numerous studies, and my own experience as a serial entrepreneur, have proven that companies with a diverse management team provide greater financial returns to investors.

I look forward to working closely with the CDK Board, management team, and employees to enable CDK to meet its full potential to generate value for all of its stakeholders.

At the end of the day, though, there are a huge number of considerations that our management team go through before accepting any project - checking out the license is just one of them.

What I see around the management team meetings and the conference tables I sit at is that there isn't that same comfort level in other women who are rising the ranks. And I don't know how to fix that.

In our experience, what we have found is the rare commodity is a good management team. And good management teams manage through good and bad cycles and manage to grow their business over a long period of time.

The one thing I seek above all else is understanding. Sometimes I'm so frustrated and I don't get it. But I'm lucky to have a good management team and people around me who explain things and answer my questions.

Our management team strongly believes that the key opportunity of our business does not only come from just the increase in terms of number of users but also how we continue to enhance the value of our platform for our users.

It's a very difficult business, and I'm very interested in the future of it after I'm gone, and I thought that if I can't produce a strong management team here myself, and I can find better management elsewhere, then I should sell it.

In building a management team, I look for integrity, loyalty, vision, and a willingness to think outside of the box, and challenge the status quo. I also look for people who have a good sense of humor and who value and empower their team.

With my business, the way you make big money is you find a great management team and a good concept, and you stick to it, and you add to it over time. In philanthropy, there was more this idea that once an idea was formulated, you moved along.

42% of our management team are women. So we've reset the goal to 50% by 2017. Because that's when Westpac becomes 200 years old as an institution - the oldest bank, and indeed the oldest company in Australia. So that's a lovely point to reflect on.

All of the sports have a safety net, but boxing is the only sport that has none. So when the fighter is through, he is through. While he was fighting his management was very excited for him, but now that he is done, that management team is moving on.

Whenever I get an audition to do something that is sci-fi-related, it makes me really happy because I realize that I can continue doing the work that I'm doing and continue meeting people all over the world. It does baffle my management team sometimes, though!

As I said before, a big part of my strategy says - and the management team I think is in agreement with this - we don't have to be out there with a lot of noise all the time. What we need to do is paint a vision for customers, promise them deliverables, and go hit at it.

The management teams in these royalty and streaming companies have the highest-quality research and the most visibility into all of the producers. So if you really want to know what's going on in the resource space, you should talk to the management team of a royalty company.

The BBC's television, radio and online services remain an important part of British culture and the fact the BBC continues to thrive amongst audiences at home and abroad is testament to a professional and dedicated management team who are committed to providing a quality public service.

I would like to wish the England squad every success. I would also very much like to extend those wishes to Martin Johnson, Brian Smith, Mike Ford, John Wells, Graham Rowntree and the rest of the England 2011 World Cup management team who have been fantastic and deserve people to know that.

I remember my first meeting with my management team when I became Indonesia's Minister of Finance. I was the youngest person and the first woman ever to hold that job. Everybody else in the room was male. I knew then that I had to work harder than any man to prove to them that I was capable.

I used to give out Mickey Mouse awards to people. I like Mickey Mouse because he represented certain values. He invested in people, was good to his friends and hard on his enemies. Once a year, I would have our management team from each division come to an offsite, and I would talk about Mickey Mouse.

As a former member of JWA's management team, and more recently as a director, I am delighted to have the opportunity now to take the reins of leadership of the company. I look forward to working with JWA's management team to chart the course and execute the plan to further strengthen and broaden JWA's leading product franchises.

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