Death is an absolute marvel.

I'd love to do a Marvel movie.

I had never seen a Marvel comic.

Marvel just does things differently.

Marvel is a very streamlined studio.

I'm ready to get a Marvel role, honey.

I love all of the Marvel comics movies.

Marvel has such a huge slice of the pie.

I grew up on Marvel and, like, '2000 AD.'

Marvel is a very vast and diverse universe.

It's Marvel movies that get the big audiences.

Everybody wants to be in the next Marvel movie.

The Marvel world is a pure joy to be a part of.

I would love to do a big movie - a 'Marvel' movie.

I've been dying to do a Marvel picture for so long.

My relationship with Marvel is that I work for them.

I still marvel at how God turns dreams into reality.

Life never becomes a habit to me. It's always a marvel.

I make a lot more off the trades and Image than Marvel.

I think back and marvel that my ambitions were so small.

I definitely read a lot of Marvel stuff when I was a kid.

I want to be in a Marvel movie. I want to be a superhero.

Being in a Marvel film is the pinnacle of secrecy training.

I've always been a Marvel fan, always been a 'Deadpool' fan.

Everything I've done is an old Marvel comic in its' own way.

Marvel and Netflix have proven they know what they're doing.

Hubble showed us the marvel and majesty of stars being born.

Marvel used to be male-dominated, and I think that's changing.

I love Captain Marvel. I'd love to see a Captain Marvel movie.

I was a Marvel guy. I started reading comics when I was a kid.

I would love to draw for 'Scarlet Witch,' it's a Marvel title.

DC characters are from a different era than Marvel characters.

I'd like to be a Marvel character and get in one of those films.

There are no heritage concepts at Marvel or DC that are untouched.

I've been a fan of the Marvel Universe since I was a little child.

I love Marvel and the people there. I'm glad I'm still part of it.

I love comic book movies, and Marvel Comics obviously are the best.

When Marvel got the rights to Namor, I thought I'd be the perfect fit.

Everything that Marvel does, it's a chess move. Nothing is by accident.

We don't have Latina heroines in theaters; I haven't seen Marvel doing it.

I'm excited to be a part of the Marvel universe because I grew up with it.

When you're working on a Marvel movie, their legal department do not play.

I try not to have too many opinions; I just marvel at the world we live in.

I don't want to direct a Marvel movie. I don't care about those mythologies.

You cannot put 50 years of the Marvel universe into a movie. It's impossible.

Yes, Marvel Entertainment has treated me very well and generously. Them, I like.

I think that what people love most about the Marvel universe are the characters.

I had worked on Thanos, created him back even before I started working at Marvel.

I love working at Marvel, but it was definitely DC that got me hooked as a reader.

That's what I love about working for Marvel is how welcoming and kind everyone is.

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