I love the Marx Brothers.

Harpo Marx looks like a musical comedy.

I was always a fan of Groucho Marx as a kid.

The Marx Brothers isn't subtle, and that's hilarious.

To restore America we need less Marx and more Madison.

I've always loved the Marx brothers and Charlie Chaplin.

There is one good thing about Marx: he was not a Keynesian.

I grew up on Jerry Lewis and Abbot and Costello, the Marx Brothers.

I believe Karl Marx could have subscribed to the Sermon on the Mount.

In 1944 James Arthur and Minnie Susan were added to the Marx household.

If Marx was alive during the Stalinist period, he'd be first to be in the gulag.

Russian Communism is the illegitimate child of Karl Marx and Catherine the Great.

I've got to say, I've probably seen a lot more of the Three Stooges than of the Marx Brothers.

An ignorance of Marx is as frequent among Marxists as an ignorance of Christ is among Catholics.

Growing up, I loved drama and fantasies. I hated the Marx Brothers. I took all that confusion seriously.

Both Marx and Christ agree that in this life, a right action is consideration for the welfare of others.

Up there with my awards, I have a great big statue of Groucho Marx, just to put everything in perspective.

If being rightwing is thinking that Karl Marx's doctrine was a catastrophe for humanity, then I'm rightwing.

Vladimir Nabokov said the two great evils of the 20th century were Marx and Freud. He was absolutely correct.

This sounds ridiculous, but my political inspiration is not Marx or Engels or ­anything like that. It was my mum.

My heroes, growing up, were people like Andy Kaufman and Groucho Marx and people that very rarely drop the persona.

Karl Marx was in favor of socialist and communist-socialist revolutions, but he had a pretty nuanced view about it.

I'm sort of an old soul, and 'You Bet Your Life' with Groucho Marx is the best game show of all time, in my opinion.

I saw 'A Night at the Opera,' this Marx Brothers film, when I was, like, six years old. I just became obsessed, you know?

I hear Shakespeare, sometimes, the way other people might hear God or Marx or something. But he's so different from that.

That was how I had developed my singing style in the first place - imitating other singers like George Michael and Richard Marx.

I think a lot of Marx was quite sloppy. There was all sorts of politically aggressive language when he lacked arguments for things.

I want Chinese history to remember me as Carnegie is remembered. I want Chinese people to remember me as they remember Marx and Lenin.

Real socialism is inside man. It wasn't born with Marx. It was in the communes of Italy in the Middle Ages. You can't say it is finished.

My parents loved comedies, so we saw Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, the Ritz Brothers, and the Marx Brothers. I wanted to be one of them.

But when I was a teenager, I was in my room learning how to play bass by listening to Rush and the Sex Pistols. I wasn't reading Karl Marx.

Happily, financial capitalism and free trade have not done away with national languages and literatures, as Marx rather too blithely hoped.

Throughout my life, there are four people I've met who were truly original people. The other three were Groucho Marx, Jim Morrison, and Pablo Picasso.

My parents used to do these little film festivals in our house where we'd watch all the Marx Brothers movies, or Chaplin movies, and a lot of westerns.

I'd like to be for cinema what Shakespeare was for theatre, Marx for politics and Freud for psychology: someone after whom nothing is as it used to be.

Marx was fortunate to have been born eighty years before Walt Disney. Disney also promised a child's paradise and unlike Marx, delivered on his promise.

Something that's seldom appreciated about me is that I am in sympathy with a great deal of what Marx wrote, except that I'm on the side of the bourgeoisie.

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

The Chinese government is quickly losing its ideological legitimacy, maintain its rule with force, but cannot draw strength from the ideology of Marx and Mao.

There are certain books in the world which every searcher for truth must know: the Bible, the Critique of Pure Reason, the Origin of Species, and Karl Marx's Capital.

It has been the acknowledged right of every Marxist scholar to read into Marx the particular meaning that he himself prefers and to treat all others with indignation.

The communism of Karl Marx would probably be actually the best for everybody as a whole. But what he didn't figure into was human nature, and that's what corrupts it.

Hillary Clinton bothers me a lot. I realized the other day that her thoughts sound a lot like Karl Marx. She hangs around a lot of Marxists. All her friends are Marxists.

Our tradition of political thought had its definite beginning in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. I believe it came to a no less definite end in the theories of Karl Marx.

Indeed the three prophecies about the death of individual art are, in their different ways, those of Hegel, Marx, and Freud. I don't see any way of getting beyond those prophecies.

Marx and Engels never talked about murdering the bourgeois. According to the old bourgeois concept, the judges were the ones who judged, and the executioners were the ones who executed.

I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds.

My first encounter with Marx's writings came very early in life, as a result of the strange times I grew up in, with Greece exiting the nightmare of the neofascist dictatorship of 1967-74.

I was changing a light bulb over Groucho Marx's bed, so I took my shoes off, got on his bed and changed the bulb. When I got off the bed he said: 'That's the best acting you've ever done.'

My first job had me miscast as a bubbly shopgirl; I was pathologically shy and, thus, tended to replace human speech with excessive head gestures. It was like being waited on by Harpo Marx.

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