I don't plan massively in advance.

I've never massively minded not being cool.

I've always been massively aware of clothing.

I'm massively open-minded to pretty much anything.

I'm not massively academic. I'm a commonsense person.

I'm massively passionate about playing for my country.

I think 'Humans' has massively improved me as an actor.

I'm not massively fond of right-wing nutters or war criminals.

In Hollywood, only a female who's massively damaged is interesting.

Major labels blow all their money massively and blame it on the band.

Even by Silicon Valley standards, PayPal's vision was massively ambitious.

I'm massively scared of spiders. Even small ones scare the life out of me.

Sindhis have a rich heritage, but they suffered massively during the Partition.

I'm massively inspired by Janet Jackson, and I adore Whitney Houston and Madonna.

I'm well rewarded for a job I massively enjoy doing. I think I'm paid very fairly.

Losing two cousins who were really close to me altered my perspective on life massively.

My career suffered massively because I had a reputation for being a very tabloid person.

I think what women think is sexy is what is sexy. Girls eating pizza are massively sexy.

I don't consider my life to be boring at all. I consider my life to be massively fortunate.

My mom definitely inspired me. She's a very determined woman and I look up to her massively.

I'm massively obsessed with Frank Ocean, so it's always great when he decides to release music.

3D printing will massively reduce the cost of certain products as the cost of labor is removed.

Lucio Fulci is such a massively underrated director. Everyone knows him as the Godfather of Gore.

I'm massively talented, and very, very beautiful in person; the public don't really realise that.

My mum is still totally rocking it. She's appearing in 'Game of Thrones,' which is massively cool.

Losing a cup final is massively disappointing, but you can accept it if you play to your potential.

I have been massively proud to have played for and, indeed, captain my country on the cricket field.

For many years, the government of Canada has massively supported orchestras and the arts in general.

Skin care is massively important to me. My mom instilled that into my brain from a pretty young age.

I have been to a few A-list parties, but not massively. It's not my life, but it's fun dipping into it.

My mum was massively important to everything I've done, and now her memory is a motivational tool for me.

Because the GIs were sent massively to South Vietnam, maybe it's a good idea to have a broadcast for them.

Every video I do is over budget by the time I walk on set. I am massively extravagant in my personal habits.

When I stepped up a division I can remember suffering the worst fatigue I had ever felt. I noticed it massively.

There's always something going on, but thank goodness these days it's with a clear head, which helps me massively.

I'm massively inspired by 'True Blue'-era Madonna, but she is absolutely confident and in control of the situation.

Like bankers, top footballers are massively overpaid, but at least you comprehend what they're doing for the money.

You need to be able to defend. It's massively important, and at Arsenal, we've sometimes been guilty of forgetting that.

I've never felt massively satisfied from standing there while someone takes my photograph. It's never given me a thrill.

I'm never massively concerned about what somebody is wearing, as long as it makes them feel really good about themselves.

Look, I don't care if anyone likes me when it comes to my work. But I can be massively insecure in other parts of my life.

History is rife with stories of directors who got so obsessed that their films went massively over budget - out of control.

There are still plenty of movie people peddling black stereotypes. I guess Tyler Perry's probably the most massively successful.

Raising the personal allowance is massively expensive. For the same amount of money, you could look at reducing the rate of tax.

I stupidly ignored education completely. I found it dull and I preferred to cause chaos and have fun. I regret this massively now.

Most of the energy consumed is for heating, cooling, and transport. By massively deploying green gas, we could decarbonize all that.

I used to draw comics a lot. I was obsessed with 'The Young Ones,' and was massively into video games, although I was no good at them.

I would probably work with Drake as he is massively inspirational to me as a writer as well as an artist. If not him, then Susan Boyle!

I know personally as a young player when coaches came to my school that is someone you want to be like and I think that helps massively.

I had an all right high school, even though I hated school. I wasn't massively popular, but I was okay. But I wouldn't want to do it again.

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