I live my life on the mat.

Gasman' was something I wrote on a beer mat in a pub.

I'm well-versed on the mat, but I can pick up people much bigger than me.

I've got more mat hours than most of the guys who are grapplers got on the mat.

I do mat or take floor Pilates class at home. I also take dance lessons at home.

I come from the sport of wrestling, where there's nothing but respect on the mat.

I've never read a self help book... the most self-help I've read is on a beer mat.

Win or lose, I'm going to leave everything on the mat. That's what gold medalists do.

Let God's grace be the mosque, and devotion the prayer mat. Let the Quran be the good conduct.

I love yoga. I'll film a class with my teacher, bring my mat with me, and just do it anywhere.

I can't take a traditional yoga class or anything. I'll just lay down and take a nap on the mat.

Even when on 'The Biggest Loser', I was out doing back handsprings on the show, throwing dummies on the mat.

Everyone knows my style - I jam my hips in, jam their head into the mat and punch their head through the canvas.

I go on walks during lunch breaks and travel with a fold-up yoga mat. I also love reading by candlelight at night.

I am happy to be part of 'Sajjan Re Phir Jhooth Mat Bolo.' This character is something that I have not done before.

Growing up wrestling, you get injured, and they expect you back on the mat in a couple weeks unless it's really bad.

My yoga mat comes everywhere. Keeps me stretched out after sitting still on all those planes, trains and road journeys.

Stuntwork... once, I've really only done one thing, which is take a punch and transport myself into the air onto a mat.

Yoga is really all about process, acceptance, and becoming more present, and I really want to show that it can expand off the mat.

When I consider the deeper meaning of yoga, I realize it's about a lot more than simply performing a variety of postures on a mat.

The fact that these fans don't understand that a ring is comprised of steel, metal beams, wood, and a thin sheet mat, and that's it.

It's clearly more important to treat one's fellow man well than to be always praying and fasting and touching one's head to a prayer mat.

I got a yoga mat, I do yoga twice a week. I do both regular and hot yoga. Lululemon has an extra large yoga mat, longer and wider, so it fits me.

Every single time I get on the mat, every tournament, I get to see what I'm made of, how tough I am, where my desire is, and how hard I've worked.

I can set up shop anywhere. I've got my oils, I've got my yoga mat and I'm good to go. I must know good yoga classes in about 25 cities on this planet.

I would definitely recommend getting a decent electric mixer. A good quality non-stick baking mat is also essential for creating those impressive desserts.

The only problem I've had with my Vox wah is its tendency to move around on the floor. So now it sits on a rubber mat that says in big letters, 'Kirk's Wah-Wah Rug.'

Playing a show before thousands of people is a highly unnatural state and when I get on the mat to do an hour of yoga before the show, I come out physically relaxed.

Eric Knuutila was one of those coaches who I could tell who cared, who went the extra mile, who made sure that it wasn't just about getting me on the mat and wrestling.

In my bedroom, I have my yoga mat and the puppets I've made over the years, and because I'm very into smells, I have some burned sage on my bedside to help clear my head.

At the end of the day, you can only fight from yourself. It is only you out there on that mat - but it sure helps knowing you have a great team of supporters cheering for you!

I do like to have guns around. I don't like to carry them. But I like - if somebody is going to come into my house and I have not put out the welcome mat, I want to stop them.

I can't always get to the gym, but I make a gym wherever I am: on the floor or on a yoga mat with bodyweight-bearing exercises like sit-ups and crunches, push-ups, lunges, squats.

My first injury ever was a broken toe, and my mother made me run laps around the mat for the rest of the night. She said she wanted me to know that even if I was hurt, I was still fine.

I take ballet class as often as possible - up to 5 times a week - and try to go to the gym on the days that I don't take class. I also do a floor barre/Pilates mat class almost everyday.

People need to feel like their heroes are human, not on the mat but in the world. The more people can see that, the more they can understand that they're capable of doing great things as well.

What's the third smartphone platform? Is it Windows phone? Is Windows Phone going to finally get off the mat in the developed world? Amazon believes their platform has a chance to become the third.

I always say my biggest competitor is myself because, whenever I step out there on the mat, I'm competing against myself to prove that I can do this and that I am very well trained, prepared for it.

If I have a yoga mat or a pair of jogging shoes, I can stay fit anywhere. The important thing is staying motivated. Because if you're not driven to keep fit, no amount of time or equipment will help.

The kind of wrestler that's going to do well in a combat style event like MMA is one that can explode through - doesn't need to spend time on the mat - hit his opponent, get him off his feet, and get on top quickly.

When it comes to belts and rank, I don't care what belt I am; I don't care what rank I am. I'm proud that I've achieved high ranks through some great instructors around the world, but ultimately, the mat doesn't lie.

I did a seminar once in Pennsylvania when there was big snow, road construction, a big flood and just one person showed up. I said, 'No problem, I'll do it.' If there's one or 100 on the mat, the juice is still there.

One of the things that made me love wrestling in general was my career in amateur wrestling in high school and college. Just being on the mat made me feel a type of aggression I wasn't really able to produce in my regular life.

I can't tell you how many times I hit that mat, especially that first year, where I said to myself, 'Man, this fake stuff hurts like hell. Do I really want to do this?' And every time, I would come back, 'Yeah, I wanna do this.'

We did not had enough facilities in the village. My family was also not well off. There was no mat, no gym; we used to wrestle in the mud. It was very different from the national camps where I trained before the Commonwealth Games.

Generally speaking, I love a workout that includes stretching and toning exercises for legs and core on the mat paired with ballet-inspired cardio and Barre exercises to get the heart rate up and take the results to the next level.

If you wake up in the morning, and you're feeling tired, I feel like if you get on your yoga mat and even practice for, like, 10 or 15 minutes, it's really great for just grounding you, centering you, and getting the energy moving.

Poems, for me, begin as a social engagement. I want to establish a kind of sociability or even hospitality at the beginning of a poem. The title and the first few lines are a kind of welcome mat where I am inviting the reader inside.

Being involved in movies is my passion. What's gotten me off the mat is the sense of the child in all of us. I feel like the same guy as I did back in the mail room, but with more wisdom, from the depths of experience to the heights.

I complained about the gimmicks. All the nonsense and garbage. After a while I just said I would not wrestle with the guys wearing masks, or guys that had some get-up on. It was demeaning. I refuse to go onto the mat against a Christmas tree.

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