I just like any music to swing, no matter what it is.

Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.

No matter how small the gift, God gives the increase.

Black Lives Matter is the ultimate divisive movement.

Most films, it doesn't matter if you see them or not.

Don't discount yourself, no matter what you're doing.

Health is a matter of choice, not a mystery of chance

Do not believe in an absurdity no matter who says it.

The only history that matters is the history we know.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

No matter what the problem is, it's a people problem.

The only thing that matters is what you do now, here.

Doesn't matter what goes on in my life; I go forward.

The things that matter most in life....Aren't things.

What really matters is what happens in us, not to us.

The spirit from which we act is the principal matter.

When the room brightens when you walk in, you matter.

There are living systems; there is no'living matter'.

It matters not what you fight but what you fight for.

Sharing revelations is easier when it doesn't matter.

It is important to act as if bearing witness matters.

No matter how fair the sun shines, Still it must set.

Family matters should be that and stay in the family.

Music is such a healing thing, no matter who you are.

"They order," said I, "this matter better in France."

Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.

No matter what you do, someone always knew you would.

Therapy is often a matter of tipping the first domino.

How hard you work matters more than how much you make.

No matter where I am on this planet, I am always safe.

If you're functional, it doesn't matter if you're mad.

There's never an easy route to the things that matter.

Racism is ridiculous no matter where it's coming from.

If it doesn't matter in five years, it doesn't matter.

No matter how often defeated, you are born to victory.

I am always going to do my best, no matter where I am.

Spread positivity; don't matter how big, or how small.

Only one thing matters, one thing; to be able to dare!

I'm not a snob. Ask anybody-well, anybody who matters.

If I want to take a picture, I take it no matter what.

No matter how rich you are, you can't get healthy air.

Oh well, no matter what happens, there's always death.

No matter what, I find that surrendering is essential.

Character matters; leadership descends from character.

Every Journey, no matter how far, starts with one step

Good music is good no matter what kind of music it is.

You're Mac, and I'm Jericho. And nothing else matters.

The basis of art is truth, both in matter and in mode.

Size doesn't matter, fast data is better than big data

No matter where I bat I try to adapt to the situation.

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