Words matter, words have import.

Happiness is no laughing matter.

To be simple is no small matter.

All money is a matter of belief.

The Katrina matter was terrible.

What's the Matter with the Mill?

In the end....everything matters.

Trifles, trifles are what matter!

Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

Will this matter a year from now?

Follow your dreams.No matter what

Fact is based upon vulgar matter.

Consciousness does affect matter.

Man is more powerful than matter.

In the end only kindness matters.

A woman is subject matter enough.

The universe implodes. No matter.

You are beautiful and you matter.

Timeliness is best in all matters.

Courage is not a matter of gender.

Nutrition is not a private matter!

What does it matter, all is grace.

I am myself the matter of my book.

Take it from me: Elections matter.

Nothing matters if we aren't safe.

Everyone is mine - no matter what.

Anything goes and nothing matters.

I took everything to a big matter.

Events are not a matter of chance.

All that matters is love and work.

Dirt is matter in the wrong place.

I think it is all a matter of love.

Life is not at the mercy of matter.

Monumental is not a matter of size.

God's presence is all that matters.

Faith Alone is what really matters.

No matter what, always be yourself!

Dreams Matter because they push you

Elections matter and voting counts.

When you have a kid, money matters.

Victory; a matter of staying power.

it's gonna hurt because it matters.

Write like it matters, and it will.

If you don’t vote, you don’t matter.

I want to do something that matters.

Chess is a matter of daily training.

God is God. His name doesn't matter.

A life is a life no matter how small

Pen-bereavement is a serious matter.

Spiritual matters should be private.

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