A lot of people want to discredit me.

I'm a nice guy, but people want to kill me.

People are terrified of me, and I want them to be.

People don't want to give me credit, which is fine.

If people want to criticize me, that's their issue.

People all want to hug me. They want to touch The GC!

I don't like to audition. I just want people to give me parts.

To me, if people really want to improvise, get into classes and learn.

Some people want to advertise their weirdness, and spread it out, that's not me.

People want to marry me for companionship. No thanks! I've got my cats for that!

I want to thank the people of Texas for asking me to represent them in Washington.

If people want to compare me to Brock Lesnar - there's worse people to compare me to.

I don't want people to think they have to like me because I'm on TV every other minute.

I certainly wouldn't want to be a Mini Me of any of the people whose footsteps I've followed in.

If people don't like me, they don't like me - if they want to shake my hand, they'll shake their hand.

I get motivated by the fact people are following me, that they want a photo or say 'vamos' or 'Canelo.'

You can't say yes to every role, and you have to make people miss you. I don't want people to get sick of me.

What I hear is that people think of me as their cousin or their sister or somebody they want to hang out with.

When I was younger, I actually wanted to be in the spotlight. To have people want me, want to have a piece of me.

I don't think the guys I played with have ever had a problem with me. People can make up what they want to think.

People perceive actresses in a different manner when they are portrayed glamorously. I don't want that to happen with me.

I no longer enjoy drawing people's pets. I just want to draw what I want to draw and have people not tell me what to draw.

I think what people get confused about is that they want to label me as this EDM girl, but a lot of this stuff is genre-less.

I don't like labels. For me, saying I'm transgender was just a thing to say because it's what people want to label me as - a female, who's a male.

Because I like people, when they come up to me in the street and want a chat and a selfie I'm very flattered. I do miss a lot of trains because of it!

What's gratifying for me and interesting is that people are picking up on exactly what I want them to, which is that this is energizing people, and making them want to make stories.

As a teenager, I didn't want to be me; I wanted to be many different people. Maybe I realized that they all lived inside me and that if I managed to connect with them, they would become aspects of me.

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