It has to be understood, it has to be measured, and the investment needs to make sense, but debt on its face is not a bad thing.

Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.

I think journalism gets measured by the quality of information it presents, not the drama or the pyrotechnics associated with us.

Length of years is no proper test of length of life. A man's life is to be measured by what he does in it and what he feels in it.

In my time and neighborhood (and in my soul) there was only one standard by which a woman measured success: did some man want her?

Time-space as commonly understood, in the sense of the distance measured between two time-points, is the result of time calculation.

Anyone with a fondness for intricately flavored, carefully measured cocktails and entertaining at home knows how poorly the two mix.

Everybody that has a measurement, whether it's in teaching or whether it's in your job, you're always worried how you will be measured.

Our understanding, great as it sometimes seems, can be nothing but the wide-eyed wonder of the child when measured against omniscience.

The extravagant expenditure of public money is an evil not to be measured by the value of that money to the people who are taxed for it.

I've never measured success in terms of trophies. I would never say, 'If I have never won the Champions League, I am not happy in life.'

There is no one trade agreement in the world that has country-specific content. It doesn't exist. Content has to be measured regionally.

I actually read somewhere that they measured how many calories you burn from watching movies, and horror movies are way, way up the list.

I didn't set out specifically to be a manager, but once you end up in that role you want to be measured against the best in the profession.

We measured our success not just by how much money we made, but by how much we contributed to the community. It was a two-part bottom line.

The age of the universe is not just 'a guess', but rather it is a carefully measured number that is now known to a high degree of accuracy.

Measured in time of transport and communication, the whole round globe is now smaller than a small European country was a hundred years ago.

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.

I'm a little more measured. That sense of urgency I thought accompanied things - it can take a little longer. You have to take the long view.

What does it mean to a person whose identity is very wrapped up in the music she makes, if her worth is measured by how many records she sells?

The future of time, of how it's won or lost, endured or enjoyed, expanded or compressed, will depend on how it's valued, not how it's measured.

The tendency in lots of large organizations is to try and find a comfortable place where you think you can get measured rewards for measured work.

No writer must be measured by a word or paragraph. He is to be measured by his work - by the tendency, not of one line, but by the tendency of all.

Progress is measured by richness and intensity of experience - by a wider and deeper apprehension of the significance and scope of human existence.

With Benitez, he should not be measured on his time at Inter. The Spanish coach has important experience. He has won trophies in England and Spain.

The love of the famous, like all strong passions, is quite abstract. Its intensity can be measured mathematically, and it is independent of persons.

Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy. Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy.

What finally is beauty? Certainly nothing that can be calculated or measured. It is always something imponderable, something that lies between things.

I think it's true that Mike Pence, having been a politician for much longer than President Trump, certainly has a measured way of answering questions.

I have no complaints about losing money I put in high-risk investments. I did some of that when I had real money; my informed choice, my measured gamble.

The line is a way of framing poetry. All verse is measured by lines. The poetic line immediately announces its difference from everyday speech and prose.

I suggested that we might compare earthquakes in terms of the measured amplitudes recorded at these stations, with an appropriate correction for distance.

In organizations, once you articulate how success will be measured, everybody tries to game the system so that they are measured in the best possible way.

I think the biggest thing is that success is not measured by whether or not you're on 'CBS This Morning' or whether or not you make the local news station.

For centuries, the question of men needing to comprehend women simply didn't arise. Men were valued according to how they measured up to the manly virtues.

Measured by any standard, white or black, Washington must be regarded today as one of the great men of this country: and in the future he will be so honored.

On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.

There are no fans more rabid or devoted than KISS fans. KISS fans are what all other fans are measured against. That's how it came to be known as the KISS Army.

I demand pretty aggressive goal setting and a commitment to measured progress towards those goals because I don't like surprises. I don't even like good surprises.

But if inventions have increased man's power over nature very much, then the real value of money is better measured for some purposes in labour than in commodities.

Each form of Alzheimer's disease should perturb different brain networks and so influence the concentration of different proteins that can be measured in the blood.

I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that money was a big factor in signing for Bare Knuckle - we're prize fighters, and our success is measured by the size of our purse.

I go wild on a stage. Some folks have measured us an image. They pretend us to be saints. And that image is much tougher to keep up with. Because that's not who we are.

Ultimately, your economy has to be measured in the real eyes of real people, not simply in statistics that appear in newspapers about the unemployment rate and so forth.

The ideological distance between Jim Webb and Bertrand Russell can be measured in light years. An author who reaches both of them exerts something like universal appeal.

In retrospect, 'Pulp Fiction' isn't just the template for everything Tarantino has done but the yardstick by which everything else he does is measured one way or another.

The disappointing second novel is measured against the brilliant first novel - often no novel lives up to the first. Literary improvement seems like an unfair expectation.

You can win all the tournaments you want, but the majors are what you're remembered for. It's how you're measured as a champion in our sport. The majors are where it's at.

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

This is very similar to astronomy where different magnitudes are assigned to the brightness of an astronomical object, depending on the range of wavelengths being measured.

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