Simple mechanisms do not love.

Money is a mechanism for control.

Truth is an all-freeing mechanism.

Failure is the mechanism of learning.

Seeing is metamorphosis, not mechanism.

People use irony as a defense mechanism.

For me, writing is a kind of coping mechanism.

Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.

Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism.

Humour has always been a self-defence mechanism for me.

The ballot box is a most inadequate mechanism of change.

I think sports is the healing mechanism around the world.

We are like the mechanism of a watch: each part is essential.

I think Easter is most profoundly about meaning, not mechanism.

I was the fat kid, so as a defense mechanism, I was the jokester.

The idea of evil is always subject to denial as a coping mechanism.

Hope is a psychological mechanism unaffected by external realities.

Without comedy as a defense mechanism I wouldn't be able to survive.

There is no shortage of mechanisms by which to measure almost anything.

I would make people who bullied me laugh, so that's my defense mechanism.

I don't have a shred of regret about entering the exchange-rate mechanism.

No one has characterized market mechanisms better than Friedrich von Hayek

I know that there was a public disclosure mechanism in my financial forms.

The irreversibility of time is the mechanism that brings order out of chaos.

I've always had a quirky way of looking at things. It's my coping mechanism.

A mechanism of some kind stands between us and almost every act of our lives.

There are some mechanisms that are so—so broken that they cannot be repaired.

I think God has some mechanism that he uses to punish those that make mistakes.

Markets and exchanges are merely mechanisms which reflect the temperament of man

Music for me is not just being on a stage and singing. It's my coping mechanism.

It is wise to apply the oil of refined politeness to the mechanism of friendship.

Life is an offensive, directed against the repetitious mechanism of the Universe.

A cold heart is my protection mechanism. I don't really feel anything for anyone.

Most companies don't have a good mechanism to give the CEO real, honest feedback.

The podcast movement was really a creative survival mechanism for standup comics.

Sundance was started as a mechanism for the discovery of new voices and new talent.

The real mechanism for corporate governance is the active involvement of the owners.

Where health care has failed is in designing a cost containment mechanism that works.

The brains of humans contain a mechanism that is designed to give priority to bad news.

I make terrible jokes every time I go into a hospital. I think it's a defence mechanism.

A very powerful mechanism to get elected is to play on anger and pick those wedge issues.

Devising a mechanism is a lot like solving a puzzle - and gives you the same kind of kick.

The more that you bypass of your own mechanisms, the more in your self that will come apart.

Natural selection is a mechanism for generating an exceedingly high degree of improbability.

Lying is not only a defense mechanism; it's also a coping mechanism and a survival technique.

The theory of mechanism design can be thought of as the 'engineering' side of economic theory.

There are no two countries with the same style of economic mechanism, with the same capitalism.

It turns out our brain is sensitive, maybe too sensitive, to motion. It's a survival mechanism.

There should be a policy to have a mechanism in place to decide when and how to import or export.

I used food as a coping mechanism for many, many years, and it was my best friend for a long time.

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